- slow reaction
- вялая реакция (детали, механизма)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
slow reaction — lėtoji reakcija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. slow reaction vok. Zeitreaktion, f rus. медленная реакция, f pranc. réaction lente, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Reaction rate — Iron rusting a chemical reaction with a slow reaction rate. Wood … Wikipedia
réaction lente — lėtoji reakcija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. slow reaction vok. Zeitreaktion, f rus. медленная реакция, f pranc. réaction lente, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
slow neutron — slow neutron, adj. Physics. a neutron with low kinetic energy, esp. one slowed by the moderator in a nuclear reactor. [1930 35] * * * ▪ physics neutron whose kinetic energy is below about 1 electron volt (eV), which is equal to 1.60217646… … Universalium
Slow food — Cet escargot stylisé est le logo Slow Food. Le Slow Food est un mouvement fondé en Italie en 1986 par Carlo Petrini en réaction à l émergence du mode de consommation Fast food. Le mouvement cherche à préserver la cuisine écorégionale ainsi que… … Wikipédia en Français
slow food — ˌslow ˈfood 8 [slow food] noun uncountable traditional food and ways of producing, cooking and eating it • Farmers markets promote the idea of slow food. • The sl … Useful english dictionary
Reaction injection molding — (RIM molding) is similar to injection molding except that a reaction occurs within the mold. The process uses thermoset polymers (commonly polyurethane) instead of thermoplastic polymers used in standard injection molding. Before injection of the … Wikipedia
Reaction Time (book) — Reaction Time: Climate Change and the Nuclear Option is a book by Professor Ian Lowe which was officially launched by science broadcaster Robyn Williams at the Brisbane Writers Festival on 15 September 2007. The book is about energy policy and… … Wikipedia
slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis — n a mixture of three leukotrienes produced in anaphylaxis that causes contraction of smooth muscle after minutes in contrast to histamine which acts in seconds and that is prob. responsible for the bronchoconstriction occurring in anaphylaxis… … Medical dictionary
reaction — noun 1 response ADJECTIVE ▪ extreme, strong, violent ▪ favourable/favorable, positive ▪ adverse, hostile, negative … Collocations dictionary
reaction mechanism — Introduction in chemical reactions (chemical reaction), the detailed processes by which chemical substances are transformed into other substances. The reactions themselves may involve the interactions of atoms (atom), molecules (molecule),… … Universalium