- simplifying assumption
- упрощающее допущение
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
simplifying assumption — supaprastinimo prielaida statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. simplifying assumption vok. vereinfachende Voraussetzung, f rus. упрощающее допущение, n pranc. supposition simplifiante, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Dupuit’s assumption — A simplifying assumption for the solution of a free surface well flow problem [16] (e.g. a water table aquifer.) It is based on the assumption that the slope of the phreatic surface is negligibly small so that the equipotential lines are… … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
Black–Scholes — The Black–Scholes model (pronounced /ˌblæk ˈʃoʊlz/[1]) is a mathematical model of a financial market containing certain derivative investment instruments. From the model, one can deduce the Black–Scholes formula, which gives the price of European … Wikipedia
Model photosphere — Some essential steps in model atmosphere analysis for determining stellar abundances (Figure by Bengt Gustafsson, Astronomical Observatory, Uppsala). The photosphere denotes those solar or stellar surface layers from which optical radiation… … Wikipedia
Elo rating system — Chess Go The Elo rating system is a method for calculating the … Wikipedia
Acoustic theory — is the field relating to mathematical description of sound waves. It is derived from fluid dynamics. See acoustics for the engineering approach.The propagation of sound waves in a fluid (such as air) can be modeled by an equation of motion… … Wikipedia
Business ethics — For the episode from the American television series The Office, see Business Ethics (The Office). Business ethics (also corporate ethics) is a form of applied ethics or professional ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical… … Wikipedia
Signalling theory — Within evolutionary biology, signalling theory refers to a body of theoretical work examining communication between individuals. The central question is when animals with conflicting interests should be expected to communicate honestly .… … Wikipedia
Models of DNA evolution — A number of different Markov models of DNA sequence evolution have been proposed. These substitution models differ in terms of the parameters used to describe the rates at which one nucleotide replaces another during evolution. These models are… … Wikipedia
Spacetime — For other uses of this term, see Spacetime (disambiguation). Two dimensional analogy of spacetime distortion. Matter changes the geometry of spacetime, this (curved) geometry being interpreted as gravity. White lines do not represent the… … Wikipedia
Without loss of generality — (abbreviated to WLOG or WOLOG and less commonly stated as without any loss of generality) is a frequently used expression in mathematics. The term is used before an assumption in a proof which narrows the premise to some special case; it is… … Wikipedia