- shunting yard
- маневровый парк
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Shunting yard — may refer to: * Classification yard * Shunting yard algorithm … Wikipedia
Shunting yard algorithm — The shunting yard algorithm is a method for parsing mathematical equations specified in infix notation. It can be used to produce output in Reverse Polish notation (RPN) or as an abstract syntax tree (AST). The algorithm was invented by Edsger… … Wikipedia
Shunting-yard-Algorithmus — Grafische Illustration des Algorithmus als 3 Weg Weichenstellung. Der Shunting yard Algorithmus (deutsch: ‚Rangierbahnhof‘ Algorithmus) ist eine Methode, um mathematische Terme von der Infixnotation in die umgekehrte Polnische Notation oder in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Algoritmo shunting yard — El algoritmo shunting yard es un método para analizar (parsing) las ecuaciones matemáticas especificadas en la notación de infijo. Puede ser utilizado para producir la salida en la notación polaca inversa (RPN) o como árbol de sintaxis abstracta… … Wikipedia Español
Shunting — Shunt ing, p. pr. & vb. n. of {Shunt}. Specif.: vb. n. (a) (Railroads) Switching; as, shunting engine, yard, etc. [British] (b) (Finance) Arbitrage conducted between certain local markets without the necessity of the exchange involved in foreign… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Classification yard — North Yard in Denver, Colorado, a typical U.S. classification yard in 2009 … Wikipedia
Margam Knuckle Yard — Coordinates: 51°33′58″N 3°46′06″W / 51.56613°N 3.76831°W / 51.56613; 3.76831 … Wikipedia
Fiddle yard — A Fiddle yard or Staging yard is a collection of model railway tracks that are invisible to a viewer and allow trains to be stored and manipulatedCite book | author=Schleicher, Robert H. | authorlink= | coauthors= | title=The Big Book of Model… … Wikipedia
Maschen Marshalling Yard — Maschen Rangierbahnhof … Wikipedia
Tinsley Marshalling Yard — was a railway marshalling yard located near Tinsley in Sheffield. It was opened in 1965 as a part of a major plan to rationalise all aspects of the rail services in the Sheffield area, and closed in stages from 1985 with the run down of rail… … Wikipedia
Rail yard — Night view of part of Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway yard at Kansas City, Kansas. March 1943 … Wikipedia