- clay cement
- глиноцемент, глиноцементный раствор* * *глиноцемент
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Cement kiln — Cement kilns are used for the pyroprocessing stage of manufacture of Portland and other types of hydraulic cement, in which calcium carbonate reacts with silica bearing minerals to form a mixture of calcium silicates. Over a billion tonnes of… … Wikipedia
Cement render — Cement rendering is the application of a thin premixed surface ofsand, cement and lime to brick, cement, stone or mud brick. It isoften textured, coloured or painted after application. It isgenerally used on exterior walls but can be used to… … Wikipedia
Clay County Courthouse (Iowa) — Clay County Courthouse U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia
Cement — Ce*ment (s[e^]*m[e^]nt or s[e^]m [e^]nt), n. [OF. cement, ciment, F. ciment, fr. L. caementum a rough, unhewn stone, pieces or chips of marble, from which mortar was made, contr. fr. caedimentum, fr. caedere to cut, prob. akin to scindere to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cement — [sə ment′] n. [ME & OFr ciment < L caementum, rough stone, chippings < * caedimentum < caedere, to cut down: see CIDE] 1. a) a powdered substance made of burned lime and clay, mixed with water and sand to make mortar or with water, sand … English World dictionary
cement — ► NOUN 1) a powdery substance made by calcining lime and clay, used in making mortar and concrete. 2) a soft glue that hardens on setting. ► VERB 1) fix with cement. 2) establish or strengthen: the occasion cemented our friendship. DERIVATIVES… … English terms dictionary
Cement — In the most general sense of the word, a cement is a binder, a substance which sets and hardens independently, and can bind other materials together. The name cement goes back to the Romans who used the term opus caementicium to describe masonry… … Wikipedia
cement — cementable, adj. cementer, n. cementless, adj. /si ment /, n. 1. any of various calcined mixtures of clay and limestone, usually mixed with water and sand, gravel, etc., to form concrete, that are used as a building material. 2. any of various… … Universalium
clay — clay1 claylike, adj. /klay/, n. 1. a natural earthy material that is plastic when wet, consisting essentially of hydrated silicates of aluminum: used for making bricks, pottery, etc. 2. earth; mud. 3. earth, esp. regarded as the material from… … Universalium
Clay — /klay/, n. 1. Bertha M. (Charlotte Monica Braeme), 1836 84, English author: originator of a long series of romantic novels. 2. Cassius Marcellus, 1810 1903, U.S. antislavery leader and diplomat. 3. Cassius Marcellus, Jr., original name of… … Universalium
Clay — For other uses, see Clay (disambiguation). The Gay Head cliffs in Martha s Vineyard consist almost entirely of clay. Clay is a general term including many combinations of one or more clay minerals with traces of metal oxides and organic… … Wikipedia