- service engineer
- инженер по обслуживанию
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
service engineer — service engineer, an engineer employed by a company to install, service, and repair equipment which the company makes or sells … Useful english dictionary
service engineer — eksploatavimo inžinierius statusas T sritis profesijos apibrėžtis Inžinierius, kuris organizuoja patikimo ir ekonomiško įrenginių arba mašinų eksploatavimo darbą. atitikmenys: angl. operating engineer; operations engineer; service engineer pranc … Inžinieriai, technikai ir technologai. Trikalbis aiškinamasis žodynėlis
service engineer — klientų aptarnavimo inžinierius statusas T sritis profesijos apibrėžtis Inžinierius, kuris prižiūri ir padeda klientų aptarnavimo personalui įrengti įrangą ir užtikrina, kad ji puikiai veiktų. Jis tiria įrangos arba gaminių veikimo sutrikimus ar… … Inžinieriai, technikai ir technologai. Trikalbis aiškinamasis žodynėlis
service engineer — / sɜ:vɪs endʒɪˌnɪə/ noun an engineer who specialises in keeping machines in good working order … Marketing dictionary in english
railway-service engineer — geležinkelių transporto inžinierius statusas T sritis profesijos apibrėžtis Inžinierius, kuris specializuojasi keleivių ir krovinių vežimo geležinkeliais srityje. Jis tiria geležinkelių transporto problemas ir pateikia rekomendacijas dėl… … Inžinieriai, technikai ir technologai. Trikalbis aiškinamasis žodynėlis
Engineer Officer (Royal Navy) — An Engineer Officer is one type of officer in the British Royal Navy. There are also Warfare Officers and Logistics Officers (formerly called Supply Officers) supported by additional branches such as Medical or Dental Officers, or the Chaplaincy… … Wikipedia
engineer — [[t]e̱nʤɪnɪ͟ə(r)[/t]] ♦♦♦ engineers, engineering, engineered 1) N COUNT An engineer is a person who uses scientific knowledge to design, construct, and maintain engines and machines or structures such as roads, railways, and bridges. → See also … English dictionary
service — [[t]sɜ͟ː(r)vɪs[/t]] ♦ services, servicing, serviced (For meaning 14, services is both the singular and the plural form.) 1) N COUNT: usu with supp A service is something that the public needs, such as transport, communications facilities,… … English dictionary
Service-oriented architecture — (SOA) is a method for systems development and integration where functionality is grouped around business processes and packaged as interoperable services . SOA also describes IT infrastructure which allows different applications to exchange data… … Wikipedia
Service Civil International — (SCI) is an international non governmental voluntary service organisation and peace movement with 43 branches and groups worldwide. The organisation was founded in 1920 by Swiss Engineer Pierre Ceresole. AimsSCI states to base its work on the… … Wikipedia
Service oriented provisioning — (abbreviated SOP) is a technology concept developed during the early 2000s to curb the hyper competition developing in the WISP and ISP space. Definition The capability of defining and working with services instead of on/off internet access or… … Wikipedia