serrated spatula

serrated spatula
зубчатый шпатель

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "serrated spatula" в других словарях:

  • Frosting spatula — A frosting spatula is a kitchen utensil designed especially for the use of spreading a substance onto a flat surface, such as frosting on a cake. It is also an ideal tool for applying spreads onto sandwiches in mass quantities.A frosting spatula… …   Wikipedia

  • Knife — A knife is a handheld sharp edged instrument consisting of handle attached to a blade used for cutting. The knife is a tool that can be used as a weapon. Its origins date as far back as two and a half million years ago, as evidenced by the… …   Wikipedia

  • ciconiiform — ▪ bird Introduction    any member of the five or six families of storklike (stork) birds (bird): herons (heron) and bitterns (bittern) (Ardeidae), the shoebill (sole species of the Balaenicipitidae), the hammerhead (sole species of the Scopidae) …   Universalium

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