Смотреть что такое "self-sustaining" в других словарях:
self-sustaining — ˌself susˈtaining also ˌself supˈporting adjective continuing to succeed and grow without help or money from outside: • While the newsletter is a good idea, it will be several years before it is self sustaining. • The company has demonstrated the … Financial and business terms
self-sustaining — [self′sə stān′iŋ] adj. 1. supporting or able to support oneself or itself 2. able to continue once begun self sustained adj … English World dictionary
self-sustaining — self sus taining adjective able to continue living or existing in the same way without help from other people: a self sustaining economy … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
self-sustaining — ADJ A self sustaining process or system is able to continue by itself without anyone or anything else becoming involved. Asia s emerging economies will be on a self sustaining cycle of growth... Biologists say the area might be large enough to… … English dictionary
self-sustaining — adjective Date: 1799 1. maintaining or able to maintain oneself or itself by independent effort < a self sustaining community > 2. maintaining or able to maintain itself once commenced < a self sustaining nuclear reaction > … New Collegiate Dictionary
self-sustaining — self sustained, adj. self sustainingly, adv. self sustainment, n. /self seuh stay ning, self /, adj. self supporting. [1835 45] * * * … Universalium
self-sustaining — self′ sustain′ing adj. able to support or sustain oneself or itself without outside aid • Etymology: 1835–45 self′ sustained′, adj. self′ sustain′ingly, adv. self′ sustain′ment, n … From formal English to slang
self-sustaining colony — autonominė nežmoginių primatų kolonija statusas Aprobuotas sritis gyvūnų gerovė apibrėžtis Nežmoginių primatų kolonija, sudaryta mokslo ir mokymo tikslais iš individų, kurie veisiami tarpusavyje arba yra kilę iš kitų nežmoginių primatų kolonijų… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
self-sustaining fusion reaction — savaiminė branduolinės sintezės reakcija statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. self sustaining fusion reaction vok. selbständige Fusionsreaktion, f rus. самоподдерживающаяся реакция синтеза ядер, f pranc. fusion auto entretenue, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
self-sustaining arc — savaiminis lankas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. self sustaining arc vok. selbständiger Bogen, m rus. самостоятельная дуга, f pranc. arc auto entretenu, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
self-sustaining — adj. sustaining oneself or itself. Derivatives: self sustained adj … Useful english dictionary