clamshell bucket

clamshell bucket
грейферный ковш, грейфер

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "clamshell bucket" в других словарях:

  • Clamshell — may refer to: Bivalve shell, the shell of a clam Flip (form), a folding electronic device, also known as a clamshell Clamshell (container) Clamshell case, a type of box for storing paper items in archives (may also refer to either of the two uses …   Wikipedia

  • Bucket (machine part) — For other uses, see Bucket (disambiguation) and Scoop. A bucket (also called a scoop to qualify shallower designs of tools) is a specialized container attached to a machine, as compared to a bucket adapted to the form of a human being. It is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Clamshell — El texto que sigue es una traducción defectuosa o incompleta. Si quieres colaborar con Wikipedia, busca el artículo original y mejora o finaliza esta traducción. Puedes dar aviso al autor principal del artículo pegando el siguiente código en su… …   Wikipedia Español

  • clamshell — /klam shel /, n. 1. the shell of a clam. 2. Mach. a. Also called clamshell bucket. a dredging bucket opening at the bottom, consisting of two similar pieces hinged together at the top. b. a machine equipped with such a bucket. 3. Print. a platen… …   Universalium

  • clamshell — n. 1. the shell of a clam. [WordNet 1.5] 2. a dredging bucket with hinges like the shell of a clam. Syn: grapple. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • clamshell — [klam′shel΄] n. 1. the shell of a clam ☆ 2. a dredging bucket, hinged like the shell of a clam adj. designating or of a manufactured product designed to open and close by a hinge along one edge …   English World dictionary

  • bucket — /buk it/, n., v., bucketed, bucketing. n. 1. a deep, cylindrical vessel, usually of metal, plastic, or wood, with a flat bottom and a semicircular bail, for collecting, carrying, or holding water, sand, fruit, etc.; pail. 2. anything resembling… …   Universalium

  • bucket — buck•et [[t]ˈbʌk ɪt[/t]] n. 1) a deep, cylindrical container, usu. of metal, plastic, or wood, with a flat bottom and a semicircular bail 2) a) mac any of the scoops in certain types of conveyors or elevators b) mac the scoop or clamshell of a… …   From formal English to slang

  • clamshell — noun Date: circa 1520 1. the shell of a clam 2. a. a bucket or grapple (as on a dredge) having two hinged jaws b. an excavating machine having a clamshell c. either of a pair of doors (as in an airplane tail) that open out and away from each… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • clamshell — 1. noun a) The shell of a clam. b) A dredging bucket with hinges like the shell of a clam. 2. adjective similar to the operation of a clams shell, having a hinge with two sides closing together Its a clamshell antenna …   Wiktionary

  • clamshell — clam•shell [[t]ˈklæmˌʃɛl[/t]] n. 1) ivt the shell of a clam 2) mac a) Also called clam′shell buck et. a dredging bucket opening at the bottom, consisting of two similar pieces hinged together at the top b) mac a machine equipped with such a… …   From formal English to slang

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