selective control

selective control
выборочный контроль

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "selective control" в других словарях:

  • Selective catalytic reduction — (SCR) is a means of converting nitrogen oxides, also referred to as chem|NO|x with the aid of a catalyst into diatomic nitrogen, chem|N|2, and water, chem|H|2|O. A gaseous reductant, typically anhydrous ammonia, aqueous ammonia or urea, is added… …   Wikipedia

  • Selective exposure theory — is a theory of communication, positing that individuals prefer exposure to arguments supporting their position over those supporting other positions. It has been discussed by communication scholars for decades. Since excessive amount of media… …   Wikipedia

  • Control fraud — occurs when a trusted person in a high position of responsibility in a company, corporation or state uses their powers to subvert the organization and to engage in extensive fraud for personal gain. The concept of control fraud is based on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Selective calling — SECAL redirects here. For the French wine grape also known as Secal, see Jurançon (grape). In a conventional, analog two way radio system, a standard radio has noise squelch or carrier squelch which allows a radio to receive all transmissions.… …   Wikipedia

  • Selective tubal occlusion procedure — (The acronym for selective tubal occlusion procedure is STOP.) A nonsurgical form of permanent birth control in which a physician inserts a 4 centimeter (1.6 inch) long metal coil into each one of a woman s two fallopian tubes via a scope passed… …   Medical dictionary

  • translational control — Control of protein synthesis by regulation of the translation step, for example by selective usage of preformed mRNA or instability of the mRNA …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • High-Level Data Link Control — HDLC (High Level Data Link Control, control de enlace síncrono de datos) es un protocolo de comunicaciones de propósito general punto a punto y multipunto, que opera a nivel de enlace de datos. Se basa en ISO 3309 e ISO 4335. Surge como una… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Immune selective anti-inflammatory derivatives — (ImSAIDs)BackgroundImmune Selective Anti Inflammatory Derivatives (ImSAIDs) are a class of peptides discovered to have diverse biological properties, including potent anti inflammatory properties. ImSAIDs work by altering the activation and… …   Wikipedia

  • Magnetic-Selective-Ride-Control — ist die Marktbezeichnung von General Motors für das eigens entwickelte magnetisch rheologische Stoßdämpfersystem. Hierbei wurde das übliche Öl im Dämpfer durch eine nahezu verzögerungsfrei reagierende, mit Magnetpartikeln versetzte Flüssigkeit… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Sex-selective abortion — is the practice of terminating a pregnancy based upon the predicted sex of the baby. The selective abortion of female fetuses is most common in areas where cultural norms value male children over female children,[1] especially in parts of People… …   Wikipedia

  • Ion selective electrode — An ion selective electrode (ISE), also known as a specific ion electrode (SIE), is a transducer (or sensor) that converts the activity of a specific ion dissolved in a solution into an electrical potential, which can be measured by a voltmeter or …   Wikipedia

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