- sample procedure
- методика отбора образцов
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
sample — 1) A small quantity of a commodity, etc. , selected to represent the bulk of a quantity of goods. See sale by sample 2) A small quantity of a product, given to potential buyers to enable them to test its suitability for their purposes. 3) A group … Big dictionary of business and management
sample — 1) A small group of items selected from a larger group to represent the characteristics of the larger group. Samples are often used in auditing because it is not feasible to inspect all the available documentation; however, conclusions drawn from … Accounting dictionary
Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure — (TCLP) is a soil sample extraction method for chemical analysis employed as an analytical method to simulate leaching through a landfill. The leachate is analysed for substances appropriate to the protocol.The Resource Conservation and Recovery… … Wikipedia
Frozen section procedure — The frozen section procedure is a pathological laboratory procedure to perform rapid microscopic analysis of a specimen. It is used most often in oncological surgery. The technical name for this procedure is cryosection. The quality of the slides … Wikipedia
Demeter's Manual of Parliamentary Law and Procedure — Demeter s Manual Demeter s Manual of Parliamentary Law and Procedure, by George Demeter, is a parliamentary authority manual. It is included in the bank of study materials used in preparing for the Certified Parliamentarian (CP) designation… … Wikipedia
sale by sample — A sale made on the basis of sample, i. e. that the quality and condition of the bulk of the goods will be at least as good as that of the selling sample. In contracts in which goods are sold by sample, the contract may stipulate how and by whom… … Big dictionary of business and management
rotating sample design — A procedure for combining the advantages of the regular cross sectional survey with the panel study , in national statistical surveys measuring trends over time, such as the USA National Crime Survey and certain Labour Force Surveys. A proportion … Dictionary of sociology
Chamberlain procedure — A procedure in which a tube is inserted into the chest to view the tissues and organs in the area between the lungs and between the breastbone and heart. The tube is inserted through an incision next to the breastbone. This procedure is usually… … English dictionary of cancer terms
work-sample tests — In personnel selection, an assessment procedure that requires candidates to carry out tasks sampled from the job(s) in question. For example, an applicant may be required to use actual or simulated equipment or to make a decision based on complex … Big dictionary of business and management
Use of performance-enhancing drugs in sport — The use of performance enhancing drugs in sport is commonly referred to by the term doping , particularly by those organizations that regulate competitions. The use of performance enhancing drugs is mostly done to improve athletic performance.… … Wikipedia
Kinsey Reports — The Kinsey Reports are two books on human sexual behavior, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953), by Dr. Alfred Kinsey, Wardell Pomeroy and others. Kinsey was a zoologist at Indiana University and … Wikipedia