- saltern
- = salteryсолеваренный завод; солеварня
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Saltern — is a word with a number of differing (but interrelated) meanings. In English archaeology, a saltern is a term used to describe an area used for salt making, especially in the East Anglian fenlands. The term saltern also describes modern salt… … Wikipedia
Saltern — Salt ern, n. A building or place where salt is made by boiling or by evaporation; salt works. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
saltern — [sôl′tərn] n. [OE sealtærn < sealt, salt + ærn, house: see RANSACK] SALTWORKS … English World dictionary
Saltern — Recorded as Saltern and Salterne, this is a medieval English surname. It may be locational from Saltren s Cottages, a hamlet near the village of Monkleigh in the county of Devon, but more probably for most name holders was occupational for a man… … Surnames reference
Saltern Cove — is a Site of Special Scientific Interest. It is in Paignton, Devon on the South coast of England.Flora and faunaThe rocky coastline at Saltern Cove supports diverse communities of intertidal plants and animals. Along the lower shore the coarse… … Wikipedia
saltern — /sawl teuhrn/, n. 1. a saltworks. 2. a plot of land laid out in pools for the evaporation of seawater to produce salt. [bef. 900; OE sealtaern saltworks (not recorded in ME), equiv. to sealt SALT1 + aern building, house] * * * … Universalium
saltern — noun a) An area used for saltmaking, especially in the East Anglian fenlands. b) A modern saltworks … Wiktionary
saltern — salt·ern || sÉ”ËltÉ™(r)n n. saltworks, place where salt is prepared or manufactured; place where salt is produced in a natural manner when pools of sea water evaporate (Geography) … English contemporary dictionary
saltern — [ sɔ:ltən, sɒ ] noun a set of pools in which seawater is left to evaporate to make salt. Origin OE sealtærn salt building (the original use denoting a salt works) … English new terms dictionary
saltern — sal·tern … English syllables
saltern — salt•ern [[t]ˈsɔl tərn[/t]] n. 1) chem. a saltworks 2) chem. a plot of land laid out in pools for the evaporation of seawater to produce salt • Etymology: bef. 900; OE sealtærn saltworks =sealt salt+ærn building … From formal English to slang