- running maintenance
- текущий ремонт
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Maintenance, repair and operations — or maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) is fixing any sort of mechanical or electrical device should it become out of order or broken (repair) as well as performing the routine actions which keep the device in working order (maintenance) or… … Wikipedia
Running crew — or run crew is a collective term used to describe the members of a technical crew who supervise and operate ( run ) the various technical requirements during a performance. The term running crew generally refers to all crew members, excluding… … Wikipedia
maintenance — main·te·nance n 1 a: the act of providing basic and necessary support b: the state of having such support 2: a financial means of providing necessary assistance: as a: alimony b … Law dictionary
running repairs — UK US noun [plural] ► work that is done when it is needed in order to keep a machine or vehicle working, rather than planned, regular maintenance: make running repairs to sth »The crew made running repairs to the hull … Financial and business terms
running — [adj] continuous, flowing, operating active, alive, constant, cursive, dynamic, easy, effortless, executing, fluent, functioning, going, in action, incessant, in operation, in succession, live, moving, operative, perpetual, proceeding, producing … New thesaurus
running expenses — index maintenance (upkeep) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Maintenance, repair, and operations — Mechanical repair Maintenance, repair, and operations[1] (MRO) or maintenance, repair, and overhaul[2] involves fixing any sort of … Wikipedia
maintenance — noun 1) the maintenance of peace Syn: preservation, conservation, keeping, carrying on, prolongation, continuation 2) car maintenance Syn: servicing, service, repair(s), running repairs … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
Maintenance OS — A maintenance Operating System (mOS) is one that can be used when normal assumptions of safety do not apply. It is typically used to recover data from corrupted or failing hardware, perform hardware diagnostics, or to manage unwanted or hostile… … Wikipedia
running costs — The expenditure incurred in order to carry out the operations of a fixed asset. Examples are power, maintenance, and consumable materials for a machine or fuel, oil, tyres, and servicing for motor vehicles … Accounting dictionary
running costs — The expenditure incurred in order to carry out the operations of a fixed asset. Examples are power, maintenance, and consumable materials for a machine or fuel, oil, tyres, and servicing for motor vehicles … Big dictionary of business and management