
1) сток; поверхностный сток (напр. стоки от дождевых осадков, снеготаяния); расход воды (поверхностного стока)
2) переходный вираж
3) спускной; сточный

run-off in depth — подземный сток

- flood run-off - groundwater run-off - monthly mean run-off - rainfall run-off - surface run-off - yearly run-off

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "run-off" в других словарях:

  • run off — {v. phr.} 1. To produce with a printing press or duplicating machine. * /The print shop ran off a thousand copies of the newspaper./ 2. To drive away. * /The boys saw a dog digging in mother s flower bed, and they ran him off./ * /When the… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • run off — {v. phr.} 1. To produce with a printing press or duplicating machine. * /The print shop ran off a thousand copies of the newspaper./ 2. To drive away. * /The boys saw a dog digging in mother s flower bed, and they ran him off./ * /When the… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • run-off — run offs also runoff 1) N COUNT: usu sing, oft N between pl n A run off is an extra vote or contest which is held in order to decide the winner of an election or competition, because no one has yet clearly won. There will be a run off between… …   English dictionary

  • run-off — UK US noun [C, usually singular] (also run off election) POLITICS ► an extra election to decide on a winner, because the leading competitors have equal numbers of votes, or because the winner had less than half the number of votes: » Colombians… …   Financial and business terms

  • run-off — n 1.) a second competition or election that is arranged when there is no clear winner of the first one →↑play off →run off at ↑run1 2.) [U] technical rain or other liquid that flows off the land into rivers …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • run off — run (someone) off to force someone to leave suddenly. Barlow wouldn t leave, so she ran him off by threatening to call the police. Dad tried to run off some people who were camping on our land, but they wouldn t leave …   New idioms dictionary

  • run|off — «RUHN F, OF», noun, adjective. –n. 1. something that runs off, such as rain that flows off the land in streams: »The runoff of precipitation from northwestern America amounts to over 200 trillion gallons each year (Ralph E. Lapp). 2. a final,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • run off — ► run off 1) produce (a copy) on a machine. 2) write or recite quickly and with little effort. Main Entry: ↑run …   English terms dictionary

  • run-off — runˈ off noun 1. A race held to resolve a dead heat or other uncertain result (also figurative) 2. Rainwater which drains into rivers, rather than being absorbed into the soil 3. Urination (slang) • • • Main Entry: ↑run …   Useful english dictionary

  • run-off — A year of account of a Lloyd s syndicate which has been left open, at the discretion of the managing agent after the date at which that account would normally have been closed by reinsurance. This normally arises when there are significant… …   Law dictionary

  • run off — index flee, publish Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

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