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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "rookery" в других словарях:

  • Rookery — Rook er*y, n.; pl. {Rookeries}. 1. The breeding place of a colony of rooks; also, the birds themselves. Tennyson. [1913 Webster] 2. A breeding place of other gregarious birds, as of herons, penguins, etc. [1913 Webster] 3. The breeding ground of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rookery — colony of rooks, 1725, from ROOK (Cf. rook) + ERY (Cf. ery) …   Etymology dictionary

  • rookery — ► NOUN (pl. rookeries) 1) a breeding colony of rooks, typically a collection of nests high in a clump of trees. 2) a breeding colony of seabirds (especially penguins), seals, or turtles …   English terms dictionary

  • rookery — [rook′ər ē] n. pl. rookeries 1. a breeding place or colony of rooks 2. a breeding place or colony of other gregarious birds or animals, as penguins or seals 3. Now Rare a crowded tenement house or tenement district; esp., a slum …   English World dictionary

  • Rookery — A rookery is a colony of breeding animals. The term is most commonly applied to the nesting place of birds, such as the crow and rook, a bird similar to the crow, but smaller. The term is also used to describe the breeding grounds of the penguin… …   Wikipedia

  • rookery — ⇒ROOKERIE, ROOKERY, subst. fém. ORNITH. Colonie d oiseaux polaires qui se protègent du froid par leur réunion. Manchots, pingouins vivant en énormes rookeries. Au bout de trois heures de ce manège j aperçois un chenal aboutissant à de la glace… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • rookery — UK [ˈrʊkərɪ] / US noun [countable] Word forms rookery : singular rookery plural rookeries a group of nests made by rooks or other birds that live together …   English dictionary

  • Rookery Hall — is an Elizabethan style mansion located off the B5074 road near the village of Worleston in Cheshire, England. Dating originally from 1816 but extensively altered in the late 19th century, the hall is listed at grade II.cite web |title = Images… …   Wikipedia

  • Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve — Rookery Bay Reserve is at the northern end of the Ten Thousand Islands on the gulf coast of Florida, Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve represents one of the few remaining undisturbed mangrove estuaries in North America. [… …   Wikipedia

  • Rookery Hill (stadium) — Rookery Hill is a football stadium in Thurrock, Essex. It is home to East Thurrock United F.C. of the Isthmian League. Capacity is roughly 4,000. [ [ league premier division/east thurrock… …   Wikipedia

  • Rookery Building — Infobox nrhp2 name =Rookery Building nhl=yes designated other1 name= Chicago Landmark designated other1 date= July 5 1972 designated other1 abbr= CL designated other1 link= Chicago Landmark designated other1 color= #aaccff caption =Rookery… …   Wikipedia

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