- rigid
- жёсткий; устойчивый (о конструкции)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
rigid — 1 *stiff, inflexible, tense, stark, wooden Analogous words: *firm, hard, solid: compact, *close: tough, tenacious, *strong Antonyms: elastic Contrasted words: resilient, flexible, supple, springy (see ELASTIC) 2 … New Dictionary of Synonyms
rigid — RIGÍD, Ă, rigizi, de, adj. 1. Care nu se deformează sub acţiunea forţelor exterioare. ♦ Care este lipsit de flexibilitate; ţeapăn, neflexibil. 2. fig. (Despre oameni) Care nu îngăduie abateri; dur, sever, neînduplecat, intransigent. ♦ (Despre… … Dicționar Român
Rigid — Rig id, a. [L. rigidus, fr. rigere to be stiff or numb: cf. F. rigide. Cf. {Rigor}. ] 1. Firm; stiff; unyielding; not pliant; not flexible. [1913 Webster] Upright beams innumerable Of rigid spears. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence, not lax or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rigid — [rij′id] adj. [L rigidus < rigere, to be stiff, numb < IE base * (s)rig , cold > FRIGID] 1. not bending or flexible; stiff and hard [a rigid metal girder] 2. not moving; set 3. severe; strict; exacting [a rigid taskmaster] 4 … English World dictionary
Rigid VI — Rigid the Sixth was a devoted husband and father, and was also very fond of animals, in marked contrast to his predecessors who had spent most of their spare time shooting arrows into the wild boars who roamed the palace corridors. Rigid was also … Dictionary of Australian slang
Rigid — (v. lat.), 1) starr, spröde; 2) streng, hart, unerbittlich; daher Rigidiōres (Strengere), welche an dem Lehrbegriff der Kirche streng halten. Rigidisten, eine Partei der Jansenisten, welche auf ein festes Halten an der alten Kirchenordnung… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Rigīd — (lat.), starr, streng; Rigidität, Strenge … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Rigid — Rigīd (lat.), starr, streng; Rigidität, Starrheit, Strenge … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Rigid — Rigid, lat. dtsch., starr, steif, spröde; streng, hart; R. ität, Steifheit, Starrheit; Strenge … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
rigid — I adjective austere, dour, durus, exact, exacting, firm, firmly set, fixed, flinty, formal, hard, harsh, hidebound, indurate, indurated, indurative, inelastic, inexorable, inflexible, intractable, motionless, obdurate, obstinate, orthodox,… … Law dictionary
rigid — rigid[e]:⇨unnachgiebig(1) … Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme