residential suburb

residential suburb
жилой район

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "residential suburb" в других словарях:

  • suburb — n. 1) a fashionable; residential suburb 2) in the suburbs (to live in the suburbs) * * * [ sʌbɜːb] residential suburb a fashionable in the suburbs (to live in the suburbs) in the suburbs (to live in the suburbs) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • residential — [[t]re̱zɪde̱nʃ(ə)l[/t]] 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n A residential area contains houses rather than offices or factories. He was born in Kensington, West London, then a smart residential area of large terrace houses... Fontbonne is a liberal arts college,… …   English dictionary

  • suburb — mid 14c., residential area outside a town or city, from O.Fr. suburbe, from L. suburbium an outlying part of a city, from sub below, near (see SUB (Cf. sub )) + urbs (gen. urbis) city. An O.E. word for it was underburg. Close to crowds but just… …   Etymology dictionary

  • suburb — [n] neighborhood outside of but reliant on nearby large city bedroom community*, burb*, country, countryside, environs, fringe, hamlet, hinterland, outlying area, outpost, outskirts, precinct, purlieu, residential area, slub, suburbia, village;… …   New thesaurus

  • suburb — ► NOUN ▪ an outlying residential district of a city. DERIVATIVES suburban adjective suburbanite noun suburbanize (also suburbanise) verb. ORIGIN from Latin sub near to + urbs city …   English terms dictionary

  • suburb — [sub′ərb] n. [ME < L suburbium < sub , under, near + urbs (gen. urbis), town] 1. a district, esp. a residential district, on or near the outskirts of a city and often a separately incorporated city or town 2. [pl.] a region made up of such… …   English World dictionary

  • Suburb — Suburbs are commonly defined as residential areas on the outskirts of a city or large town. Most suburbs in the U.S. are commuter towns with a prevalence of detached [ [ Land Development Calculations]… …   Wikipedia

  • Residential development — A residential development (sometimes simply called a subdivision) is typically a piece of property that is divided into lots with houses constructed on each piece of subdivided land. They became common during the late nineteenth century.Before… …   Wikipedia

  • suburb — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ outer, outlying ▪ inner, inner ring (AmE) ▪ northern, southern, etc. ▪ su …   Collocations dictionary

  • suburb — noun a fast growing suburb just west of Albany you ll need a car if you move to the suburbs Syn: residential area, dormitory area, bedroom community, commutershed, commuter belt, exurb; (suburbs) suburbia, the burbs …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • residential — adj. Residential is used with these nouns: ↑accommodation, ↑architect, ↑architecture, ↑area, ↑building, ↑burglary, ↑care, ↑community, ↑construction, ↑development, ↑district, ↑ …   Collocations dictionary

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