- advance payment
- авансовый платёж* * *авансовый платёж (на цели строительства)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
advance payment — ➔ payment … Financial and business terms
Advance Payment — Any type of payment that is made ahead of its normal schedule, such as paying for a good or service before you actually receive the good or service. Advance payments are sometimes required by sellers as protection against non payment. Some… … Investment dictionary
Advance payment — An advance payment, or simply an advance, is the part of a contractually due sum that is paid in advance, while the balance will only follow after receipt on the counterpart in goods or services.ee also*Advance against royalties *Pay or play… … Wikipedia
advance payment — something paid partially before the total amount is due (i.e. an advance on someone s salary) … English contemporary dictionary
advance payment — See advance … Ballentine's law dictionary
advance payment bond — A guarantee that any advance payments made by a customer will be reimbursed if the company cannot fulfil its obligations under the relevant contract. Such guarantees are normally given by the company s bankers, who are indemnified by the company … Accounting dictionary
advance payment — Payments made in anticipation of a contingent or fixed future liability or obligation … Black's law dictionary
advance payment — Payments made in anticipation of a contingent or fixed future liability or obligation … Black's law dictionary
Advance Payment Guarantee — ⇡ Anzahlungsgarantie … Lexikon der Economics
advance — ad·vance 1 vt ad·vanced, ad·vanc·ing: to supply or provide ahead of time: as a: to give (a gift) by way of or as an advancement b: to supply (as money) beforehand in expectation of repayment or other future adjustment advance 2 n: a provision of… … Law dictionary
Advance corporation tax — (ACT) was the scheme under which companies made an advance payment of corporation tax when they distributed dividend payments to shareholders. This payment was then offset against the company s final corporation tax bill. Certain recipients, such … Wikipedia