- reentry
- юр.восстановление владения недвижимостью
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
reentry — re·en·try /ˌrē en trē/ n: a retaking possession of property by a lessor or grantor in exercise of the right to do so upon the failure of the lessee or grantee to fulfill a covenant or condition see also power of termination at power 2b Merriam… … Law dictionary
Reentry — Reentry, auch Re entry (englisch für Wiedereintritt, Wiedereinführung) bezeichnet: den Wiedereintritt eines Satelliten in die Atmosphäre, siehe Wiedereintritt die Aufhebung einer Paradoxie durch Beobachtung, siehe Reentry (Erkenntnistheorie) den… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Reentry — Re*[ e]n try ( tr?), n. 1. A second or new entry; as, a re[ e]ntry into public life. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) A resuming or retaking possession of what one has lately foregone; applied especially to land; the entry by a lessor upon the premises… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
reentry — or re entry [rē en′trē] n. pl. reentries 1. a reentering; specif., a coming back, as of a space vehicle, into the earth s atmosphere 2. a second or repeated entry 3. Card Games a card that can win a trick and thus regain the lead 4. Law a coming… … English World dictionary
reentry — n. a reentry into (a spaceship s reentry into the atmosphere) * * * a reentry into (a spaceship s reentry into the atmosphere) … Combinatory dictionary
reentry — /ree en tree/, n., pl. reentries. 1. an act of reentering. 2. the return from outer space into the earth s atmosphere of an earth orbiting satellite, spacecraft, rocket, or the like. 3. Law. the retaking of possession under a right reserved in a… … Universalium
Reentry capsule — Shenzhou 5 reentry capsule A reentry capsule is the portion of a spacecraft which returns to Earth following a space flight. The shape is determined partly by aerodynamics; a capsule is aerodynamically stable falling blunt end first, which allows … Wikipedia
Reentry (Raumfahrt) — Eintritt der Landekapsel der Mars Rover (künstlerische Darstellung) Der Vorgang des Wiedereintritts oder auch engl.: Reentry beschreibt den atmosphärischen Wiedereintritt eines von Menschenhand geschaffenen oder eines natürlichen Objekts, das in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
reentry point — pakartotinės įeities taškas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. reentry point vok. Rückkehrstelle, f; Rücksprungstelle, f; Wiedereintrittspunkt, m rus. точка повторного входа, f pranc. point de retour, m; point de répétition, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
reentry — noun Date: 15th century 1. a retaking possession; especially entry by a lessor on leased premises on the tenant s failure to perform the conditions of the lease 2. a second or new entry 3. a playing card that will enable a player to regain the… … New Collegiate Dictionary
reëntry — noun a) The act of entering again. b) An instance of reëntering … Wiktionary