- realm
- область; сфера; пределы
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
realm — [relm] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: realme, from Latin regimen; REGIMEN] 1.) written a general area of knowledge, activity, or thought ▪ the spiritual realm realm of ▪ an idea that belongs in the realm of science fiction … Dictionary of contemporary English
Realm — steht im Englischen für Reich, Bereich, Domäne. Im Deutschen ist es ein Fachbegriff der Informatik. Bei Verzeichnisdiensten wie Active Directory, die z.B. über LDAP angesprochen werden, bezeichnet Realm die Gesamtheit aller Einträge eines… … Deutsch Wikipedia
realm — [ relm ] noun count * 1. ) FORMAL a particular area of knowledge, experience, interest, etc.: the political/military realm realm of: This is not really within the realms of my experience. 2. ) MAINLY LITERARY a country ruled by a king or queen:… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Realm — (r[e^]lm), n. [OE. realme, ream, reaume, OF. reialme, roialme, F. royaume, fr. (assumed) LL. regalimen, from L. regalis royal. See {Regal}.] 1. A royal jurisdiction or domain; a region which is under the dominion of a king; a kingdom. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
realm — [relm] n. [ME reame, later realme < OFr, altered (by assoc. with reiel > ROYAL) < reaume < L regimen, rule: see REGIMEN] 1. a kingdom 2. a region; sphere; area [the realm of thought] 3. Ecol. any of the primary biogeographic regions… … English World dictionary
realm — I noun area, authority, bailiwick, country, demesne, department, domain, dominion, empire, field, jurisdiction, kingdom, land, monarchy, orbit, perimeters, power, province, region, respublica, sphere, territory II index ambit, area (province),… … Law dictionary
realm — (n.) late 13c., from O.Fr. reaume, probably from roiaume kingdom, altered (by influence of L. regalis regal ) from Gallo Romance *regiminem, accusative form of L. regimen system of government, rule (see REGIMEN (Cf. regimen)) … Etymology dictionary
realm — [n] area of responsibility or rule branch, compass, country, department, dimension, domain, dominion, empire, expanse, extent, field, ground, kingdom, land, monarchy, neck of the woods*, neighborhood, orbit, place, principality, province, purview … New thesaurus
realm — ► NOUN 1) archaic, literary, or Law a kingdom. 2) a field or domain of activity or interest. ORIGIN Old French reaume, from Latin regimen government … English terms dictionary
realm — noun 1 area of activity/interest/knowledge ADJECTIVE ▪ whole ▪ the whole realm of human intellect ▪ new ▪ international ▪ public … Collocations dictionary
realm — 01. The King was loved by all the people of his great [realm]. 02. The slogan of Germany s Nazi Party in the 1930s was, One [realm], one people, one leader. 03. In 3100 B.C., the King of Upper Egypt united the [realms] of Upper and Lower Egypt,… … Grammatical examples in English