- rat's-tail
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
rat's-tail — rat sˈ tail or ratˈ tail noun 1. The tail of a rat 2. Anything like a rat s tail 3. A thin coherent dangling lock of hair 4. An excrescence on a horse s leg 5. (ratˈ tail) the grenadier fish • • • Main Entry: ↑rat rat s … Useful english dictionary
Rat's Tail — Taxobox | name = Rat s Tail regnum = Plantae divisio = Magnoliophyta classis = Liliopsida ordo = Asparagales familia = Iridaceae subfamilia = Ixioideae tribus = Ixieae genus = Babiana species = B. ringens binomial = Babiana ringens binomial… … Wikipedia
rat's-tail grass — /ˈræts teɪl gras/ (say rats tayl grahs) noun any grass with an inflorescence thought to resemble a rat s tail, as the grasses of the genus Sporobolus. Also, rat tail grass …
rat's tail — /ˈræts teɪl/ (say rats tayl) noun a hairstyle in which the hair is cut short except for a small lock of hair at the nape of the neck …
rat's-tail couch — /ˌræts teɪl ˈkutʃ/ (say .rats tayl koohch) noun a slightly tufted annual grass, Sporobolus mitchellii, found in damp places along river banks and flood plains of NSW and Victoria …
rat's-tail fescue — /ˌræts teɪl ˈfɛskju/ (say .rats tayl feskyooh) noun a weed introduced into Australia, Vulpia myuros, which has a hairy inflorescence …
rat's-tail orchid — /ˌræts teɪl ˈɔkəd/ (say .rats tayl awkuhd) noun an epiphytic orchid, Dendrobium teretifolium, found on trees, especially swamp oak, and rocks of eastern NSW and Qld …
rat's-tail cactus — noun commonly cultivated tropical American cactus having slender creeping stems and very large showy crimson flowers that bloom for several days • Syn: ↑rattail cactus, ↑Aporocactus flagelliformis • Hypernyms: ↑cactus • Member Holonyms:… … Useful english dictionary
rat's-tail fescue — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun : rattail fescue … Useful english dictionary
rat|tail — «RAT TAYL», adjective, noun. –adj. having a tail or taillike part like that of a rat; long and slender: »Everything in the house, down to the last rattail hinge and hickory floor peg, is historically accurate (Atlantic). –n. 1. something… … Useful english dictionary
Rat-tail — (r[a^]t t[=a]l ), a. Like a rat s tail in form; as, a rat tail file, which is round, slender, and tapering. See Illust. of {File}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English