
рельсовый путь, рельсы

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "railtrack" в других словарях:

  • Railtrack — Création 1994 Disparition 2002 Forme juridique société privée Siège social …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Railtrack — war die Bezeichnung einer Gruppe von Unternehmen im Vereinigten Königreich, die von 1994 bis 2002 im Besitz der Gleise, Signale, Tunnels, Brücken, Bahnübergänge und einiger Bahnhöfe des privatisierten britischen Eisenbahnnetzes war. Railtrack plc …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Railtrack — [Railtrack] a company formed in 1994 as part of the ↑privatization of British railways. It owned all of Britain’s railways and train stations, and was responsible for signals and train ↑schedules (= times of running). Smaller companies then… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Railtrack — Infobox Defunct Company company name = Railtrack company fate = railway administration successor = Network Rail foundation = 1994 defunct = 2002 location = United Kingdom industry = rail transport key people = products = num employees = parent =… …   Wikipedia

  • Railtrack — a company formed in 1994 as part of the privatization of British railways. It owned all of Britain’s railways and train stations, and was responsible for signals and train schedules (= times of running). Smaller companies then rented the track… …   Universalium

  • Tom Winsor — (born December 7 1957) is a British lawyer and economic regulatory professional who was, from July 5 1999 until July 4 2004, the Rail Regulator and International Rail Regulator for Great Britain. Legal career Tom Winsor was born in Broughty Ferry …   Wikipedia

  • Network Rail — Not to be confused with National Rail. Network Rail Type Company limited by guarantee / State owned company Industry Railway infrastructure provision …   Wikipedia

  • Privatisation of British Rail — The privatisation of British Rail was the result of the Railways Act 1993 introduced by John Major s Conservative government. The operations of the British Railways Board (BRB) were broken up and sold off. Some non core parts of the BRB s… …   Wikipedia

  • High Speed 1 — approaching the Medway Viaducts …   Wikipedia

  • Privatisation de British Rail — La privatisation de British Rail fut mise en œuvre en 1993 par le gouvernement conservateur de John Major qui fit adopter une loi sur les chemins de fer (Railways Act). L ensemble des activités gérées par le British Railways Board (BRB) furent… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Privatisation de british rail — La privatisation de British Rail fut mise en œuvre en 1993 par le gouvernement conservateur de John Major qui fit adopter une loi sur les chemins de fer (Railways Act). L ensemble des activités gérées par le British Railways Board (BRB) furent… …   Wikipédia en Français

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