- chantry
- часовня
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Chantry — • The endowment of one or more priests to say or sing Mass for the soul of the endower, or for the souls of persons named by him, and also, in the greater number of cases, to perform certain other offices, such as those of choir member in a… … Catholic encyclopedia
Chantry — Chant ry, n.; pl. {Chantries}. [OF. chanterie, fr. chanter to sing.] 1. An endowment or foundation for the chanting of masses and offering of prayers, commonly for the founder. [1913 Webster] 2. A chapel or altar so endowed. Cowell. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chantry — Nom porté en Belgique et dans le département du Nord. C est certainement une variante de Chanterie, rencontré dans le même secteur géographique, surnom donné à un chantre (ancien français chanterie = chant d église) … Noms de famille
chantry — [chan′trē, chän′trē] n. pl. chantries [ME chanterie < OFr: see CHANT] R.C.Ch. 1. an endowment to pay for Masses and prayers for the soul of a specified person, often the endower: an earlier term 2. a chapel or altar endowed, esp. in the Middle … English World dictionary
Chantry — For other uses, see Chantry (disambiguation). Chantry is the English term for a fund established to pay for a priest to celebrate sung Masses for a specified purpose, generally for the soul of the deceased donor. Chantries were endowed with lands … Wikipedia
chantry — /chan tree, chahn /, n., pl. chantries. Eccles. 1. an endowment for the singing or saying of Mass for the souls of the founders or of persons named by them. 2. a chapel or the like so endowed. 3. the priests of a chantry endowment. 4. a chapel… … Universalium
Chantry — A small chapel attached to a Parish Church where the daily offices are said, e. g., the chantry of Grace Church, New York. Anciently the chantry was an endowed chapel … American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia
chantry — noun (plural chantries) Etymology: Middle English chanterie, from Anglo French, literally, singing, from chanter Date: 14th century 1. an endowment for the chanting of masses commonly for the founder 2. a chapel endowed by a chantry … New Collegiate Dictionary
chantry — chan|try [ˈtʃa:ntri US ˈtʃæn ] n also chantry .chapel plural chantries [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: chanterie singing , from chanter; CHANT1] a small church or part of a church paid for by someone so that priests can pray for them… … Dictionary of contemporary English
chantry — also chantry cha.pel noun (C) a small church or part of a church paid for by someone so that priests can pray for them there after they die … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
chantry — /ˈtʃæntri/ (say chantree), /ˈtʃantri/ (say chahntree) noun (plural chantries) Ecclesiastical 1. an endowment for the singing or saying of mass for the souls of the founders or of persons named by them. 2. a chapel or the like so endowed. 3. the… …