- quick-response
- малоинерционный
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Quick Response — (engl.; dt.: etwa Rasche Reaktion) ist eine Strategie mit dem Ziel, schneller auf die Marktentwicklung reagieren zu können. Sie baut auf einer Kooperation zwischen Einzelhandel, Distributoren und Produzenten auf und soll sowohl den Informations … Deutsch Wikipedia
Quick Response — (QR) was developed in the erly 1980s and it comes from fashion industry. The basic idea of QR is to let clients tell the whole channel what to make and what to distribute and then do it fast. QR contains keeping production flexibility as to what… … Wikipedia
Quick Response Engine — was a planning and scheduling program developed for the AS/400 computer series. The program was developed by the Acacia Technologies wing of Computer Associates in 1996. In 2002 the group was sold to SSA Global Technologies … Wikipedia
Quick Response Manufacturing — Manufacturing method, where the aim is to reduce the lead time in every step of the manufacturing process. The method evolved from Time Based Competition concepts, originally developed in the late 1980s. References * Rajan Suri: Quick Response… … Wikipedia
Quick Response Code — Der QR Code (QR steht für englisch: quick response = schnelle Antwort) ist ein zweidimensionaler (2D) Code, der von der japanischen Firma Denso Wave im Jahr 1994 entwickelt wurde. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Grundlagen 2 Aufbau 3 Kapazität 4 Lizenz … Deutsch Wikipedia
Quick Response — (QR) This is the term given to the ability to shorten the time frame from product concept to consumer. This is accomplished by making decisions based on up to the minute information provided by business software systems designed for this… … Historical Dictionary of the Fashion Industry
Quick Response Code — … Википедия
quick — 1 fleet, swift, rapid, *fast, speedy, expeditious, hasty Analogous words: brisk, nimble, *agile: abrupt, impetuous, *precipitate, headlong 2 Quick, prompt, ready, apt are comparable when they apply to persons, their mental operations, their acts … New Dictionary of Synonyms
quick — quick1 W2S1 [kwık] adj comparative quicker superlative quickest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(short time)¦ 2¦(fast)¦ 3¦(no delay)¦ 4¦(clever)¦ 5 be quick 6 be quick to do something 7 quick fix 8 have a quick … Dictionary of contemporary English
quick — quickness, n. /kwik/, adj., quicker, quickest, n., adv., quicker, quickest. adj. 1. done, proceeding, or occurring with promptness or rapidity, as an action, process, etc.; prompt; immediate: a quick response. 2. that is over or completed within… … Universalium
quick — [[t]kwɪk[/t]] adj. and adv. er, est, n. adj. 1) done, proceeding, or occurring with promptness or rapidity: a quick response[/ex] 2) completed in a short time: a quick shower[/ex] 3) moving with speed: a quick fox[/ex] 4) cvb easily provoked or… … From formal English to slang