quality of cut

quality of cut
объём грунта выемки

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "quality of cut" в других словарях:

  • Cut detection — is a field of research of computer science. Its subject is the automated detection of cuts in digital video. Use Cut detection is used to split up a film into basic scenes. Therefore, it is of great use in software for post production of videos.… …   Wikipedia

  • Cut Chemist — Background information Birth name Lucas C. MacFadden Born October 4, 1972 (1972 10 04 …   Wikipedia

  • Cut wire shot — is manufactured from high quality wire in which each particle is cut to a length about equal to its diameter. If required, the particles are conditioned (rounded) to remove the sharp corners produced during the cutting process. Cut Wire Shot As… …   Wikipedia

  • cut corners — {v. phr.} 1. To take a short way; not go to each corner. * /He cut corners going home in a hurry./ 2. To save cost or effort; manage in a thrifty way; be saving. * /John s father asked him to cut corners all he could in college./ 3. To do less… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • cut corners — {v. phr.} 1. To take a short way; not go to each corner. * /He cut corners going home in a hurry./ 2. To save cost or effort; manage in a thrifty way; be saving. * /John s father asked him to cut corners all he could in college./ 3. To do less… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • cut both ways — cut both/two ways ► to work in two ways, or to have two opposite effects: »Setting prices high cuts both ways – it could lose some customers, but it also suggests high quality. Main Entry: ↑cut …   Financial and business terms

  • cut both/two ways — ► to work in two ways, or to have two opposite effects: »Setting prices high cuts both ways – it could lose some customers, but it also suggests high quality. Main Entry: ↑cut …   Financial and business terms

  • cut two ways — cut both/two ways ► to work in two ways, or to have two opposite effects: »Setting prices high cuts both ways – it could lose some customers, but it also suggests high quality. Main Entry: ↑cut …   Financial and business terms

  • cut corners — ► to do something in a way that saves time or money, but that reduces quality: »If a restaurant cuts corners on ingredients, it will lose customers. Main Entry: ↑cut …   Financial and business terms

  • cut corners — If people try to do something as cheaply or as quickly as possible, often sacrificing quality, they are cutting corners …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • Cut scene — A cut scene is a sequence in a video game over which the player has little or no control, often breaking up the gameplay and used to advance the plot, present character development, and provide background information, atmosphere, dialogue and… …   Wikipedia

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