- public accommodation
- места общественного пользования
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
public accommodation — A place open to serve the public. An inn. A hotel. A restaurant. A place to obtain food and lodging, rather than a place of amusement. 4 Am J2d Amuse § 1 … Ballentine's law dictionary
public — The whole body politic, or the aggregate of the citizens of a state, nation, or municipality. The inhabitants of a state, county, or community. In one sense, everybody, and accordingly the body of the people at large; the community at large,… … Black's law dictionary
public house — An inn, hotel, or other place of public accommodation. A restaurant. 29 Am J Rev ed Innk § 9. A house commonly open to the public, either for business, pleasure, religious worship, the gratification of curiosity, or the like, and including all… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Public housing in Australia — is usually provided by departments of state and territory governments. Australian public housing operates within the framework of the Commonwealth State Housing Agreement, by which funding for public housing is provided by both federal and state… … Wikipedia
Public/social/private partnership — Public/social/private partnerships are methods of co operation between private and government bodies.BackgroundModels of cooperation between the market and the state: examples from AustriaThe name “public social private partnership” (PSPP) is a… … Wikipedia
Public service agreement — Public service agreements (PSAs) detail the aims and objectives of UK government departments for a three year period. Such agreements also describes how targets will be achieved and how performance against these targets will be measured .… … Wikipedia
accommodation road — noun A road giving access to buildings, etc, off the public road • • • Main Entry: ↑accommodate … Useful english dictionary
Public housing in the Australian Capital Territory — Government built housing in Canberra and the Australian Capital Territory has a history stemming from the decision to build the National Capital in the bush. In the early years Canberra s housing was entirely government built and even after… … Wikipedia
Public house — Not to be confused with Public housing. A thatched country pub, The Williams Arms, near Braunton, North Devon, England … Wikipedia
accommodation — noun 1 (BrE) place for sb to live/stay ADJECTIVE ▪ comfortable, decent, good, suitable ▪ inadequate, poor, substandard ▪ excellent … Collocations dictionary
Public housing estate — A public housing estate (zh c|c=公共屋邨) is a housing estate in Hong Kong mainly built by the Hong Kong Housing Authority and the Hong Kong Housing Society. About half of Hong Kong residents now live in public housing estates and other tower blocks… … Wikipedia