- propane
- пропан
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Propane — Propane … Wikipédia en Français
propane — [ prɔpan ] n. m. • 1870; de (acide) propionique (1847), de pro , gr. piôn « gras » (« premier acide gras ») et ane ♦ Hydrocarbure saturé (C3H8), gaz inflammable, un des constituants du gaz naturel dont il est extrait. ● propane nom masculin (de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Propane — Pro pane, n. [Propyl + methane.] (Chem.) A heavy gaseous hydrocarbon, {C3H8}, of the paraffin series, occurring naturally dissolved in crude petroleum, and also made artificially; called also {propyl hydride}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
propane — colorless gas occurring in petroleum, 1866, with chemical suffix ane, from prop(ionic acid) (1850), from Fr. propionique (1847), from Gk. pro forward (see PRO (Cf. pro )) + pion fat (see FAT (Cf. fat) (adj.)), in reference to its being first in… … Etymology dictionary
propane — ► NOUN ▪ a flammable hydrocarbon gas present in natural gas and used as bottled fuel … English terms dictionary
propane — [prō′pān΄] n. [ PROP(YL) + (METH)ANE] a heavy, colorless, gaseous alkane, C3H8, occurring naturally in petroleum and used as a fuel, in aerosols, in refrigerants, etc … English World dictionary
Propane — Not to be confused with propene. Propane … Wikipedia
propane — /proh payn/, n. Chem. a colorless, flammable gas, C3H8, of the alkane series, occurring in petroleum and natural gas: used chiefly as a fuel and in organic synthesis. Also called dimethylmethane. [1866; PROP(IONIC) + ANE] * * * Colourless, easily … Universalium
Propane — (C3H8) A hydrocarbon gas, C3H8, occurring in crude oil, natural gas, and refinery cracking gas. It is used as a fuel, a solvent, and a refrigerant. Propane liquefies under pressure and is the major component of liquefied petroleum (LPG). ***… … Energy terms
propane — An alkane having the formula C3H8. Propane is the major constituent of LP gas. Explosive limits of 2.4% to 9%. One cubic foot a propane has a heating value of 2500 BTU … Forensic science glossary
propane — [[t]pro͟ʊpeɪn[/t]] N UNCOUNT: oft N n Propane is a gas that is used for cooking and heating. ...a propane gas cylinder … English dictionary