- profile of a line
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
line — I 1. noun 1) he drew a line through the name Syn: dash, rule, bar, score; underline, underscore, stroke, slash; technical stria, striation 2) there were lines around her eyes Syn: wrinkle … Thesaurus of popular words
Line 10 (Madrid Metro) — Line 10 of the Madrid Metro is in fact the product of two lines, the former line 8 from Fuencarral to Nuevos Ministerios and the former Suburbano (also known as Line S) from Alonso Martínez to Aluche, this section being named line 10 in the 1980s … Wikipedia
Line 8 (Madrid Metro) — Line 8 of the Madrid Metro opened between Mar De Cristal and Campo de las Naciones on 24 June 1998. An extension to Barajas via Madrid Airport was opened in 1999 and in 2002 an extension to Nuevos Ministerios and Colombia opened. Originally this… … Wikipedia
Line Damkjær Kruse — (* 7. Januar 1988 in Aarhus) ist eine dänische Badmintonspielerin. Karriere Line Kruse gewann zehn Nachwuchstitel in Dänemark und drei Medaillen bei Junioreneuropameisterschaften bevor sie 2007 erstmals bei den Erwachsenen bei den Greece… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Line 11 (Madrid Metro) — Line 11 of the Madrid Metro opened between Plaza Elíptica and Pan Bendito on 16 November 1998. For eight years it had only three stations. In 2006 the line was extended from Pan Bendito to La Peseta with two intermediate stations. Line 11 however … Wikipedia
Line 5 (Madrid Metro) — Line 5 of the Madrid Metro originally opened between Callao and Carabanchel on 5 June 1968, the latter sharing station platforms with then called Line S (for Suburbano ) On 2 March 1970, the line was extended from Callao to Ciudad Lineal, however … Wikipedia
profile — [prō′fīl΄] n. [It profilo < profilare, to outline < pro (< L pro ), before + filo (< L filum), thread, line: see PRO1 & FILE1] 1. a) a side view of the face b) a drawing of such a view … English World dictionary
line — [n1] mark, stroke; border band, bar, borderline, boundary, channel, configuration, contour, crease, dash, delineation, demarcation, edge, figuration, figure, frontier, furrow, groove, limit, lineament, lineation, outline, profile, rule, score,… … New thesaurus
Profile — Pro file, n. [It. profilo, fr. L. pro before + filum a thread, an outline, shape: cf. F. profil. See {File} arow, and cf. {Purfle}, {Purl}, a fringe.] 1. An outline, or contour; as, the profile of an apple. [1913 Webster] 2. (Paint & Sculp.) A… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Profile paper — Profile Pro file, n. [It. profilo, fr. L. pro before + filum a thread, an outline, shape: cf. F. profil. See {File} arow, and cf. {Purfle}, {Purl}, a fringe.] 1. An outline, or contour; as, the profile of an apple. [1913 Webster] 2. (Paint &… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Line Trap — Line Trap, traducible al español como Trampa de línea, es un famoso meme el cual fue iniciado en el sitio 4chan en EE.UU., en 2007. Este fenómeno consiste en un video y un grupo de fotos sobre un travesti adolescente, el cual poseé rasgos… … Wikipedia Español