principle of least action

principle of least action
принцип наименьшего действия

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "principle of least action" в других словарях:

  • Principle of least action — This article discusses the history of the principle of least action. For the application, please refer to action (physics). In physics, the principle of least action or more accurately principle of stationary action is a variational principle… …   Wikipedia

  • principle of least action — mažiausiojo poveikio principas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. principle of least action vok. Prinzip der kleinsten Wirkung, n rus. принцип наименьшего действия, m pranc. principe de la moindre action, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • principle of least action — a principle in physics: if the passage of a dynamic system from one configuration to another is spontaneous and without change in total energy the corresponding action has a minimum value …   Useful english dictionary

  • Principle of least effort — The principle of least effort is a broad theory that covers diverse fields from evolutionary biology to webpage design. It postulates that animals, people, even well designed machines will naturally choose the path of least resistance or effort …   Wikipedia

  • Gauss' principle of least constraint — The principle of least constraint is another formulation of classical mechanics enunciated by Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1829.The principle of least constraint is a least squares principle stating that the true motion of a mechanical system of N… …   Wikipedia

  • Action (physics) — In physics, the action is a particular quantity in a physical system that can be used to describe its operation. Action is an alternative to differential equations. The action is not necessarily the same for different types of systems.The action… …   Wikipedia

  • Maupertuis' principle — In classical mechanics, Maupertuis principle (named after Pierre Louis Maupertuis) is an integral equation that determines the path followed by a physical system without specifying the time parameterization of that path. It is a special case of… …   Wikipedia

  • Variational principle — A variational principle is a principle in physics which is expressed in terms of the calculus of variations. According to Cornelius Lanczos, any physical law which can be expressed as a variational principle describes an expression which is self… …   Wikipedia

  • Hamilton's principle — In physics, Hamilton s principle is William Rowan Hamilton s formulation of the principle of stationary action (see that article for historical formulations). It states that the dynamics of a physical system is determined by a variational problem …   Wikipedia

  • Path of least resistance — The path of least resistance describes the physical or metaphorical pathway that provides the least to forward motion by a given object or entity, among a set of alternative paths. The concept is often used to describe why an object or entity… …   Wikipedia

  • Einstein–Hilbert action — General relativity Introduction Mathematical formulation Resources Fundamental concepts …   Wikipedia

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