- admittance
- 1) допуск, впуск2) эл. полная проводимость* * *1. температуропроводность поверхности2. (полная) проводимость
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
admittance — [ admitɑ̃s ] n. f. • 1896; mot angl. , du lat. admittere « admettre » ♦ Phys. Grandeur inverse de l impédance totale d un circuit électrique ou de l impédance équivalente d un conducteur inséré dans un circuit de courant alternatif. L unité d… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Admittance — Ad*mit tance, n. 1. The act of admitting. [1913 Webster] 2. Permission to enter; the power or right of entrance; also, actual entrance; reception. [1913 Webster] To gain admittance into the house. South. [1913 Webster] He desires admittance to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
admittance — admittance, admission. Admittance is mostly confined to the literal sense of allowing one to enter a locality or building {no admittance without a pass} {admittance to the grounds} Admission has acquired the figurative sense of admitting to… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Admittance — Ad*mit tance, n. (Elec.) The reciprocal of impedance. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
admittance — I (acceptance) noun admission, confirmation, designation, entrance, entree, entry, inclusion, induction, initiation, permission II (means of approach) noun access, admission, approach, avenue, course, entrance, entry, entryway, ingress, inlet,… … Law dictionary
admittance — (n.) 1580s, the action of admitting, formed in English from ADMIT (Cf. admit) + ANCE (Cf. ance) (if from Latin, it would have been *admittence; French uses accès in this sense). Used formerly in senses where ADMISSION (Cf. admission) now prevails … Etymology dictionary
admittance — [n] permission to enter access, entrance, entrée, entry, ingress, pass, passage, reception; concepts 388,685 … New thesaurus
admittance — ► NOUN ▪ the process or fact of entering or being allowed to enter … English terms dictionary
admittance — [ad mit′ ns, ədmit′ ns] n. 1. an admitting or being admitted 2. permission or right to enter 3. Elec. the ratio of effective current to effective voltage in a circuit carrying an alternating current; the reciprocal of impedance, measured in… … English World dictionary
Admittance — In electrical engineering, the admittance ( Y ) is the inverse of the impedance ( Z ). The SI unit of admittance is the siemens. Oliver Heaviside coined the term in December 1887. [Ushida et al., Immittance matching for multidimensional open… … Wikipedia
Admittance — L admittance, notée Y, est l inverse de l impédance. Elle se mesure en siemens (S). Elle est définie par : Avec : Y l admittance en S ; Z l impédance en Ω. L impédance étant une résistance complexe, et la conductance G étant l… … Wikipédia en Français