- power facility
- электростанция
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Space Power Facility — Буклет с краткой информацией о SPF Space Power Facility (сокр. SPF) крупнейшая в мире термальная вакуумная камера, созданная НАСА в 1969 году. Расположена на станции Плам Брук, неподалёку от Сандаски. Станция Плам Брук, в свою очередь,… … Википедия
Space Power Facility — The Space Power Facility (SPF) is a vacuum chamber built by NASA in 1969. It stands 122 feet high and 100 feet in diameter, enclosing a bullet shaped space. It is the world s largest thermal vacuum chamber. It was originally commissioned for… … Wikipedia
Power & Communication Contractors Association — Founded in 1945, the Power Communication Contractors Association is a non profit trade association primarily for electrical power facility construction companies, although the companies in its membership also provide directional drilling, local… … Wikipedia
Power systems CAD — refers to computer aided design (CAD) software tools that are used to design and simulate complex electrical power systems. Such power systems are typically found in mission critical facilities such as computer data centers, network operations… … Wikipedia
Facility — Fa*cil i*ty (f[.a]*s[i^]l [i^]*t[y^]), n.; pl. {Facilities} (f[.a]*s[i^]l [i^]*t[i^]z). [L. facilitas, fr. facilis easy: cf. F. facilit[ e]. See {Facile}.] 1. The quality of being easily performed; freedom from difficulty; ease; as, the facility… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
facility — facility, faculty 1. Facility (from Latin facilis meaning ‘easy’) means ‘ease or ready ability to do something, aptitude’: • Firstborn children have greater verbal facility, and there is evidence that they have more successful relationships with… … Modern English usage
power — pow·er n 1: capability of acting or of producing an effect parties of unequal bargaining power 2 a: authority or capacity to act that is delegated by law or constitution often used in pl. commerce power often cap C&P: the power delegated to… … Law dictionary
Power scaling — of a laser is increasing its output power without changing the geometry, shape, or principle of operation. Power scalability is considered an important advantage in a laser design.Usually, power scaling requires a more powerful pump source,… … Wikipedia
Facility 0704 — is a 110kV three phase AC powerline built in 1952 with 2 electric circuits south of Gomaringen, Germany. BackgroundFacility 0704 begins at a branch pylon near the loop mill ( Schleifmühle ) at Gomaringen and runs across a distance of… … Wikipedia
Power analytics — is a electrical power engineering software technology that ensures the reliable and energy efficient operation of exceptionally complex electrical power infrastructure, typically found in “mission critical” facilities. Such facilities… … Wikipedia
facility — I (easiness) noun ability, adeptness, adroitness, capability, competence, deftness, dexterity, ease, effortlessness, expertise, expertness, facilitas, flexibility, fluency, freedom from difficulty, grace, gracefulness, proficiency, quickness,… … Law dictionary