- positive set-up
- нагон воды
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Positive set theory — In mathematical logic, positive set theory is the name for a class of alternative set theories in which the axiom of comprehension* {x mid phi} exists holds for at least the positive formulas phi (the smallest class of formulas containing atomic… … Wikipedia
positive set to learning — teigiamas požiūris į mokymąsi statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Mokinių nuostata gerai mokytis. Tokią nuostatą diegia mokytojai, siekdami skatinti ir palaikyti mokymosi motyvus, atsiradusius dėl poreikių ir pažintinių interesų, mokymosi… … Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas
Positive and negative sets — In measure theory, given a measurable space ( X , Sigma;) and a signed measure mu; on it, a set A isin; Sigma; is called a positive set for mu; if every Sigma; measurable subset of A has nonnegative measure; that is, for every E sube; A that… … Wikipedia
Set of all sets — In set theory as usually formulated, referring to the set of all sets typically leads to a paradox. The reason for this is the form of Zermelo s axiom of separation: for anyformula varphi(x) and set A, the set {x in A mid varphi(x)}which contains … Wikipedia
positive Lerneinstellung — teigiamas požiūris į mokymąsi statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Mokinių nuostata gerai mokytis. Tokią nuostatą diegia mokytojai, siekdami skatinti ir palaikyti mokymosi motyvus, atsiradusius dėl poreikių ir pažintinių interesų, mokymosi… … Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas
positive — [päz′ə tiv] adj. [ME positif < OFr < L positivus < positus: see POSITION] 1. formally or arbitrarily set; conventional; artificial [a positive law] 2. definitely set; explicitly laid down; admitting of no question or modification;… … English World dictionary
Positive behavior support — strives to use a system to understand what maintains an individual’s challenging behavior. Students’ inappropriate behaviors are difficult to change because they are functional; they serve a purpose for the child. These behaviors are supported by … Wikipedia
Positive Lives — was a HIV charity set up by two well known gay businessmen, David Bridle and Kelvin Sollis, and three other trustees, William Curry, Simon Brycesson and Glyn Maddocks, in 1996.At the time, Bridle and Sollis owned Chronos Publishing, the company… … Wikipedia
Positive pedalers — is a group of people living with HIV/AIDS committed to building a supportive and inclusive community for others and themselves through participation in bicycle related activities. Positive Pedalers comprises nearly 600 men and women with HIV/AIDS … Wikipedia
Positive hardcore — is a term used in the American hardcore scene to refer to the music of hardcore bands that are socially aware or focus on values such as being inclusive, community oriented, and anti violence. Many of these bands (and their fans) describe their… … Wikipedia
Positive law — is a legal term that is sometimes understood to have more than one meaning. But in the strictest sense, it is law made by human beings, that is, Law actually and specifically enacted or adopted by proper authority for the government of an… … Wikipedia