position feedback signal

position feedback signal
сигнал обратной связи по положению

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "position feedback signal" в других словарях:

  • Signal-flow graph — A signal flow graph (SFG) is a special type of block diagram[1] and directed graph consisting of nodes and branches. Its nodes are the variables of a set of linear algebraic relations. An SFG can only represent multiplications and additions.… …   Wikipedia

  • Feedback — For other uses, see Feedback (disambiguation). Feedback describes the situation when output from (or information about the result of) an event or phenomenon in the past will influence an occurrence or occurrences of the same (i.e. same defined)… …   Wikipedia

  • Minor loop feedback — is a classical method used to design stable robust linear Feedback control systems using feedback loops around sub systems within the over all feedback loop.[1] The method is sometimes called minor loop synthesis in college text books,[2][3] some …   Wikipedia

  • Positive feedback — Alarm or panic can spread by positive feedback among a herd of animals to cause a stampede. Positive feedback is energy taken from the output of a system and reapplied to the input, which is phase congruent with the input signal. A system… …   Wikipedia

  • Tubuloglomerular feedback — In the physiology of the kidney, tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF) is one of several mechanisms the kidney uses to regulate glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Changes in GFR are detected by the renal tubule, which sends feedback signals to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Throttle position sensor — A throttle position sensor (TPS) is a sensor used to monitor the position of the throttle in an internal combustion engine. The sensor is usually located on the butterfly spindle so that it can directly monitor the position of the throttle valve… …   Wikipedia

  • servomechanism — servomechanical /serr voh meuh kan i keuhl/, adj. servomechanically, adv. /serr voh mek euh niz euhm, serr voh mek /, n. an electronic control system in which a hydraulic, pneumatic, or other type of controlling mechanism is actuated and… …   Universalium

  • Servomechanism — [ thumb|right|200px|Industrial servomotor The grey/green cylinder is the brush type DC motor. The black section at the bottom contains the planetary reduction gear, and the black object atop the motor is the optical encoder for position feedback …   Wikipedia

  • Electric motor — For other kinds of motors, see motor (disambiguation). For a railroad electric engine, see electric locomotive. Various electric motors. A 9 volt PP3 transistor battery is in the center foreground for size comparison. An electric motor converts… …   Wikipedia

  • automation — /aw teuh may sheuhn/, n. 1. the technique, method, or system of operating or controlling a process by highly automatic means, as by electronic devices, reducing human intervention to a minimum. 2. a mechanical device, operated electronically,… …   Universalium

  • Frequency compensation — In electrical engineering, frequency compensation is a technique used in amplifiers, and especially in amplifiers employing negative feedback. It usually has two primary goals: To avoid the unintentional creation of positive feedback, which will… …   Wikipedia

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