- pipehead
- приёмная сторона трубопровода
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Pipehead Reservoir — Bild gesucht BW … Deutsch Wikipedia
Serpentine Pipehead Dam — was constructed to use the Serpentine River, in Western Australia, to convey water from Serpentine Dam to the interconnection with the Metropolitan trunk main network. The dam is also used to store water from the Dandalup scheme whereby water can … Wikipedia
Helena River — bei Mundaring Weir. Das Gebäude rechts ist die 1. Pumpstation der Golden PipelineVorlage:Infobox Fluss/KARTE feh … Deutsch Wikipedia
Helena River — The Helena River is a tributary of the Swan River in Western Australia. The river rises in country east of Mount Dale and moves to the north west to Mundaring Weir, where it is dammed. It then flows west until it reaches the Darling Scarp.It… … Wikipedia
приёмная сторона нефтепровода — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN petroleum pipeheadproduction pipehead … Справочник технического переводчика
Darling Scarp — Southwest Western Australia from space. The dark green is dense vegetation on and above the scarp, which has been retained for forest reserve and water catchment purposes. The sharp vegetation boundary on the coastal side coincides with the edge… … Wikipedia
Serpentine Dam, Western Australia — Serpentine Dam is one of the major water supply dams for Perth, Western Australia. The dam is used to store water which is released at a controlled rate to regulate the level in Serpentine Pipehead Dam, which in turn feeds water to the… … Wikipedia
Serpentine Dam — Serpentine Damcan mean: * Serpentine Dam, Tasmania * Serpentine Dam, Western Australia * Serpentine Pipehead Dam, Western Australia … Wikipedia
List of localities in Victoria (Australia) — Map of Local Government Areas in Victoria This is a list of locality names and populated place names in the state of Victoria, Australia, outside the Melbourne metropolitan area. It is organised by region from the south west of the state to the… … Wikipedia
List of dams and reservoirs in Australia — Dams and reservoirs in Australia is a link page for any dam or reservoir in Australia. Contents 1 Australian Capital Territory 2 New South Wales 2.1 Cancelled 2.2 Weir … Wikipedia
Darling Scarp — Südwestliches Western Australia aus dem Weltall betrachtet. Das dunkle Grün ist eine dichte Vegetation an und über der Scarp, die als Wälder und Wassereinzugsgebiet erhalten blieb. Die Grenze der Scarp Vegetation an der Küste stimmt mit der… … Deutsch Wikipedia