- piceous
- 1) смоляной; смолоподобный2) легко воспламеняющийся
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Piceous — Pic e*ous, a. [L. piceus, fr. pix, picis, pitch.] Of or pertaining to pitch; resembling pitch in color or quality; pitchy. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
piceous — [pis′ē əs, pī′sēəs] adj. [L piceus < pix,PITCH1] 1. of or like pitch 2. Zool. black as pitch … English World dictionary
piceous — adjective Etymology: Latin piceus, from pic , pix pitch more at pitch Date: 1826 of, relating to, or resembling pitch; especially glossy brownish black in color < an insect with a piceous abdomen > … New Collegiate Dictionary
piceous — adj. [L. piceus, pitchy] Pitch black, brownish or reddish black … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
piceous — /pis ee euhs, puy see euhs/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or resembling pitch. 2. inflammable; combustible. 3. Zool. black or nearly black as pitch. [1640 50; < L piceus made of pitch, equiv. to pice (s. of pix) PITCH2 + us adj. suffix; see OUS] *… … Universalium
piceous — like pitch; inflammable; reddish black Colour Terms … Phrontistery dictionary
piceous — adj. of tar, of pitch; black as tar, black as pitch … English contemporary dictionary
piceous — pic·e·ous … English syllables
piceous — /ˈpɪsiəs/ (say piseeuhs), /ˈpisiəs/ (say peeseeuhs) adjective 1. of, relating to, or resembling pitch. 2. flammable or combustible. 3. Zoology black or nearly black as pitch. {Latin piceus} …
piceous — a. like pitch; inflammable … Dictionary of difficult words
piceous — ˈpisēəs, ˈpīs adjective Etymology: Latin piceus, from pic , pix pitch + eus eous more at pitch : of, relating to, or resembling pitch : pitchy; especially : glossy brownish black in color … Useful english dictionary