percentage concentration

percentage concentration
процентная концентрация

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "percentage concentration" в других словарях:

  • percentage concentration — procentinė koncentracija statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Masės ar tūrio procentais [%(masės) ar %(tūrio)] išreikšta koncentracija. atitikmenys: angl. percentage concentration rus. процентная концентрация …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • Percentage — In mathematics, a percentage is a way of expressing a number as a fraction of 100 ( per cent meaning per hundred ). It is often denoted using the percent sign, % . For example, 45% (read as forty five percent ) is equal to 45 / 100, or… …   Wikipedia

  • Concentration — For other uses, see Concentration (disambiguation). In chemistry, concentration is defined as the abundance of a constituent divided by the total volume of a mixture. Four types can be distinguished: mass concentration, molar concentration,… …   Wikipedia

  • Concentration ratio — In economics, a concentration ratio is a measure of the total output produced in an industry by a given number of firms in the industry. The most common concentration ratios are the CR4 and the CR8, which means the four and the eight largest… …   Wikipedia

  • Concentration risk — Categories of financial risk Credit risk Concentration risk Market risk Interest rate risk Currency risk Equity risk Commodity risk Liquidity risk Refinancing risk …   Wikipedia

  • Concentration Ratio — In economics, a ratio that indicates the relative size of firms in relation to their industry as a whole. The concentration ratio indicates whether an industry is comprised of a few large firms or many small firms. The four firm concentration… …   Investment dictionary

  • concentration — 1. A preparation made by extracting a crude drug, precipitating from the solution, and drying. 2. Increasing the amount of solute in a given volume of solution by evaporation of the solvent. 3. The quantity of a substance per unit …   Medical dictionary

  • salt concentration — percentage weight of salt in the water phase of a fish product. Percentage salt concentration is salt content divided by salt content plus water content multiplied by 100. Important in food safety as it protects smoked fish, which are not cooked… …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • Mass concentration (chemistry) — In chemistry, the mass concentration ρi (or γi) is defined as the mass of a constituent mi divided by the volume of the mixture V:[1] Contents …   Wikipedia

  • Patronage concentration — is a term used in marketing. It is the share of an individual consumer s expenditures in an industry that is spent at one company. It is the amount that a person spends at one company divided by the amount that person spends at all companies in… …   Wikipedia

  • Molar concentration — In chemistry, the molar concentration, ci is defined as the amount of a constituent ni divided by the volume of the mixture V [1]: It is also called molarity, amount of substance concentration, amount concentration, substance concentration, or… …   Wikipedia

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