- per man
- в расчёте на одного человека
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
per|man|gan|ic acid — «PUR man GAN ihk», an acid that is unstable except in dilute solutions. Its aqueous solution is used as an oxidizing agent. Formula: HMnO4 … Useful english dictionary
per|man|ga|nate — «puhr MANG guh nayt», noun. a salt of an acid containing manganese. A solution of potassium permanganate is used as an antiseptic … Useful english dictionary
su|per|man — «SOO puhr MAN», noun, plural men. 1. a man having more than human powers: »The folk tale superman really is a superman, a creature of the elements (New York Times). 2. a man imagined by Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher, as the ideal… … Useful english dictionary
news|pa|per|man — «NOOZ PAY puhr MAN, NYOOZ », noun, plural men. a reporter, editor, or other person who works for a newspaper … Useful english dictionary
per — per·acetic; per·acid; per·act; per·acute; per·alkaline; per·aluminous; per·am·bu·lant; per·am·bu·late; per·am·bu·la·tion; per·am·bu·la·tor; per·am·bu·la·to·ry; per·a·na·kan; per·bend; per·borate; per·bromide; Per·bu·nan; per·ca; per·cale;… … English syllables
man — man·dae·an·ism; man·da·ic; man·da·la; man·da·ment; man·dan; man·dant; man·da·pa; man·dar; man·da·rin·ate; man·da·rin·ism; man·da·tary; man·da·tee; man·da·tor; man·da·to·ri·ly; man·da·tum; man·da·ya; man·de; man·de·ism; man·del·ate; man·del·ic;… … English syllables
Man v. Food — Genre Food Reality Presented by Adam Richman Country of origin … Wikipedia
man|stop|per — «MAN STOP uhr», noun. a manstopping bullet … Useful english dictionary
man-hour — man hours also man hour N COUNT: usu pl A man hour is the average amount of work that one person can do in an hour. Man hours are used to estimate how long jobs take, or how many people are needed to do a job in a particular time. The restoration … English dictionary
news·pa·per·man — /ˈnuːzˌpeıpɚˌmæn, Brit ˈnjuːzˌpeıpəˌmæn/ noun, pl men / ˌmɛn/ [count] : a person (usually a man) who works as a reporter for a newspaper … Useful english dictionary
su·per·man — /ˈsuːpɚˌmæn/ noun, pl men / ˌmɛn/ [count] : a man who is very strong, successful, etc. compare ↑superwoman … Useful english dictionary