- penstock gate
- затвор водопроводящего канала, водонапорного трубопровода
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
penstock — [pen′stäk΄] n. [ PEN1 + STOCK] 1. a gate or sluice used in controlling the flow of water ☆ 2. a tube or trough for carrying water to a water wheel … English World dictionary
Penstock — A penstock is a sluice or gate or intake structure that controls water flow, or an enclosed pipe that delivers water to hydraulic turbines and sewerage systems. It is a term that has been inherited from the technology of wooden watermills.In… … Wikipedia
gate — Synonyms and related words: French door, aboideau, access, admissions, air lock, arch dam, archway, assemblage, attendance, audience, avails, back door, backstop, ball cock, ball valve, bamboo curtain, bank, bar, barrage, barrier, barway, bear… … Moby Thesaurus
penstock — Synonyms and related words: aboideau, air lock, chute, dock gate, eaves trough, flood hatch, floodgate, gate, guide, gutter, head gate, lock, lock gate, pentrough, shoot, sluice, sluice gate, tide gate, trough, water gate, weir … Moby Thesaurus
penstock — noun Date: circa 1607 1. a sluice or gate for regulating a flow (as of water) 2. a conduit or pipe for conducting water … New Collegiate Dictionary
penstock — a gate or sluice used to control water flow … Dictionary of ichthyology
penstock — /pen stok /, n. 1. a pipe conducting water from a head gate to a waterwheel. 2. a conduit for conveying water to a power plant. See diag. under dam1. 3. a sluicelike contrivance used to control the flow of water. [1600 10; PEN2 + STOCK] * * * … Universalium
penstock — penstÉ‘k / stÉ’k n. gate or trough for carrying water to water wheel … English contemporary dictionary
water gate — noun regulator consisting of a valve or gate that controls the rate of water flow through a sluice • Syn: ↑sluicegate, ↑sluice valve, ↑floodgate, ↑penstock, ↑head gate • Hypernyms: ↑regulator • … Useful english dictionary
head gate — noun 1. regulator consisting of a valve or gate that controls the rate of water flow through a sluice • Syn: ↑sluicegate, ↑sluice valve, ↑floodgate, ↑penstock, ↑water gate • Hypernyms: ↑regulator … Useful english dictionary
Wicket gate — A wicket gate is a small gate or door, particularly one built into a larger one.The cricket term wicket comes from this term.Wicket gates are also a key component in hydroelectric turbines that control the flow of water from the input pipes… … Wikipedia