

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "pay-gate" в других словарях:

  • gate — gate1 W2S2 [geıt] n [: Old English; Origin: geat] 1.) the part of a fence or outside wall that you can open and close so that you can enter or leave a place →↑door ▪ We went through the gate into the orchard. ▪ the wrought iron gates of the… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • gate — [geɪt] noun 1. [countable] TRAVEL the door leading to the planes at an airport: • Air France flight 76 will leave from gate 6A. 2. [countable, uncountable] COMMERCE the number of people attending a public place or event such as a football match,… …   Financial and business terms

  • Gate Gourmet — is an airline catering firm with headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland, and Reston in unincorporated Fairfax County, Virginia, United States.Gate Gourmet was founded in 1992, and is the world s largest independent airline catering, hospitality and… …   Wikipedia

  • gate — [ geıt ] noun *** 1. ) count a door in a fence or wall that you go through to enter or leave a place: He walked through a wooden gate into the field. Be sure to close the gate to the driveway when you leave. a ) usually plural the entrance to a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • gate — ► NOUN 1) a hinged barrier used to close an opening in a wall, fence, or hedge. 2) an exit from an airport building to an aircraft. 3) a hinged or sliding barrier for controlling the flow of water. 4) the number of people who pay to enter a… …   English terms dictionary

  • gate — gate1 [gāt] n. [ME < OE gatu, pl. of geat, a gate, akin to OFris jet, Du & ON gat, opening] 1. a movable framework or solid structure, esp. one that swings on hinges, controlling entrance or exit through an opening in a fence or wall 2. an… …   English World dictionary

  • pay dirt — [n] profit accumulation, benefit, bottom line*, cleanup, earnings, gate*, goods*, gravy*, harvest, killing*, net, payoff, proceeds, receipts, return, revenue, score*, split*, surplus, take*, winnings; concepts 332,344,693 …   New thesaurus

  • Gate Petroleum — Infobox Company company name = Gate Petroleum, Inc. company company type = Private foundation = 1960 location = Jacksonville, Florida, USA key people = Herb Peyton, CEO Chairman industry = Retail (Convenience stores) Precast concrete Petroleum… …   Wikipedia

  • Gate of Alchemy — The Gate of Alchemy is a fictional metaphysical construct integral to the plot of the anime/manga series Fullmetal Alchemist, referred to as the Doors of Truth in the manga or simply The Gate in the anime. The Gate/Doors is the source of all… …   Wikipedia

  • gate — gate1 /gayt/, n., v., gated, gating. n. 1. a movable barrier, usually on hinges, closing an opening in a fence, wall, or other enclosure. 2. an opening permitting passage through an enclosure. 3. a tower, architectural setting, etc., for… …   Universalium

  • gate — I [[t]geɪt[/t]] n. v. gat•ed, gat•ing 1) a movable barrier, usu. on hinges, closing an opening in a fence, wall, or other enclosure 2) an opening permitting passage through an enclosure 3) a tower, architectural setting, etc., for defending or… …   From formal English to slang

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