passing place

passing place

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "passing place" в других словарях:

  • Passing (association football) — Passing the ball is a key part of association football. This brings an advantage in that helps secure possession of the ball, particularly as play is taken towards the opponents goal. The skill of dribbling the ball is seen much less in modern… …   Wikipedia

  • Passing (gender) — Passing, in regard to gender identity, refers to a person s ability to be accepted or regarded as a member of the sex or gender with which they identify, or with which they physically present.Julia Serano. Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on… …   Wikipedia

  • passing-shot — [ pasiŋʃɔt ] n. m. • 1928; mot angl. « coup (shot) passant » ♦ Anglic. Au tennis, Balle rapide en diagonale ou près d un couloir, évitant un joueur placé pour faire une volée. Des passing shots. ● passing shot, passing shots nom masculin (anglais …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Passing Fancy — Directed by Yasujirō Ozu Produced by Shochiku Kinema Written by Yasujirō Ozu (alias James Maki) (story) Tadao Ikeda (screenplay) …   Wikipedia

  • passing — [pas′iŋ] adj. [ME] 1. going by, beyond, past, over, or through 2. lasting only a short time; short lived; fleeting; momentary 3. casual; cursory; incidental [a passing remark] 4. satisfying given requirements or standards [a passing grade] 5 …   English World dictionary

  • Place des Cordeliers à Lyon — The poster advertising the Lumière brothers cinematographe Directed by Louis Lumière …   Wikipedia

  • Passing loop — Trains in a passing loop A passing loop (also called a passing siding, crossing loop, crossing place or, colloquially, a hole) is a place on a single line railway or tramway, often located at a station, where trains or trams in opposing… …   Wikipedia

  • Passing (racial identity) — Examples US civil rights leader Walter Francis White (who was blond haired, blue eyed, and very pale skinned), the chief executive of the NAACP from 1929 until his death in 1955, was of mixed race and mostly white ancestry. Five of his great… …   Wikipedia

  • Passing Strange — Infobox Musical name=Passing Strange caption= music= Stew Heidi Rodewald lyrics= Stew book= Stew productions= 2006 Berkeley 2007 Off Broadway 2008 Broadway awards=Tony Award for Best Book Passing Strange is a musical with lyrics and book by Stew… …   Wikipedia

  • Passing lane — Diagram showing lanes and road layout, with Irish road markings. A passing lane or overtaking lane is the lane on a multi lane highway or motorway closest to the center of the road (the central reservation). In North American terminology, the… …   Wikipedia

  • passing — pass|ing1 [ˈpa:sıŋ US ˈpæ ] n [U] 1.) the passing of time/the years the process of time going by ▪ Most of the old traditions have died out with the passing of time. ▪ The passing of the years had done nothing to improve his temper. 2.)… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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