- paint base
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Paint base — Связующее краски; Основа краски … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Paint It Black — Paint It, Black Pour les articles homonymes, voir Paint It Black (homonymie). Paint It, Black Single par The Rolling Stones extrait de l’album Aftermath (US) Face A … Wikipédia en Français
Paint it Black — Paint It, Black Pour les articles homonymes, voir Paint It Black (homonymie). Paint It, Black Single par The Rolling Stones extrait de l’album Aftermath (US) Face A … Wikipédia en Français
base — base1 [bās] n. [ME < OFr bas < L basis,BASIS] 1. the thing or part on which something rests; lowest part or bottom; foundation 2. the fundamental or main part, as of a plan, organization, system, theory, etc. 3. the principal or essential… … English World dictionary
Paint.NET — Capture d écran de la branche 3.xx … Wikipédia en Français
Paint Shop Pro — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Paint Shop Pro Desarrollador Corel www.corel.com … Wikipedia Español
paint — [pānt] vt. [ME peinten < OFr peint, pp. of peindre < L pingere, to paint, embroider < IE base * peig , to mark by scratching or coloring > Gr pikros, sharp, OE fah, stained] 1. a) to make (a picture, design, etc.) in colors applied to … English World dictionary
Paint It — Paint It, Black Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Paint It, Black» Sencillo de The Rolling Stones del álbum Aftermath Publicación 13 de mayo, 1966 (EEUU) 7 de mayo, 1966 (R.U.) Formato … Wikipedia Español
Base — or BASE may refer to:A base is a mixture of urine n waste so do not eat it* Base meaning bottom, the lowest part of an object* can mean negative, unfavorable or undesirable in nature. Bad; vile; malicious; evil.In mathematics: *Base (mathematics) … Wikipedia
Paint Chemistry — paint a suspension pigment in an oil vehicle. It applies to virtually any surface coating designed for protection of a surface or for decoration, or both. Sometimes the word paint may be a general term and the term “surface coating” is more… … Forensic science glossary
base and clear system — Paint finish which is made up of a colored base coat (usually a metallic finish) and clear lacquer coat … Dictionary of automotive terms