output pulsation

output pulsation
выходная пульсация

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "output pulsation" в других словарях:

  • Self-pulsation — takes place at the beginning of laser action.As the pump is switched on, the gainin the active medium rises and exceeds the steady state value. The number of photons in the cavity increases, depleting the gain below the steady state value, and so …   Wikipedia

  • star — starless, adj. /stahr/, n., adj., v., starred, starring. n. 1. any of the heavenly bodies, except the moon, appearing as fixed luminous points in the sky at night. 2. Astron. any of the large, self luminous, heavenly bodies, as the sun, Polaris,… …   Universalium

  • Toda oscillator — In physics, the Toda oscillator is special kind of nonlinear oscillator; it is vulgarization of the Toda field theory, which is a continuous limit of Toda s chain, of chain of particles, with exponential potential of interaction between neighbors …   Wikipedia

  • Oscillator Toda — is special kind of nonlinear oscillator; it is vulgarization of the Toda field theory, which refers to a continuous limit of Toda s chain, of chain of particles, with exponential potential of interaction between neighbors cite journal|… …   Wikipedia

  • Dairy — For other uses, see Dairy (disambiguation). A dairy farm near Oxford, New York in the United States. A dairy is a business enterprise established for the harvesting of animal milk mostly from cows or goats, but also from buffalo, sheep, horses or …   Wikipedia

  • AFR sensor — Articleissues cleanup=August 2008 wikify=August 2008 copyedit=August 2008 inappropriate tone=August 2008 jargon=August 2008 orphan=August 2008The AFR is a new type of Oxygen Sensor that is slowly replacing the Zirconium O2 sensor in modern… …   Wikipedia

  • Power supply — For the Budgie album, see Power Supply (album). A vacuum tube rackmount adjustable power supply, capable of +/ 1500 volts DC, 0 to 100mA output, with amperage limiting capability. A power supply is a device that supplies electrical energy …   Wikipedia

  • Crankshaft — For other uses, see Crankshaft (disambiguation). Crankshaft (red), pistons (gray) in their cylinders (blue), and flywheel (black) The crankshaft, sometimes casually abbreviated to crank, is the part of an engine which translates reciprocating… …   Wikipedia

  • Jugular venous pressure — A man with congestive heart failure and marked jugular venous distension. External jugular vein marked by an arrow. The jugular venous pressure (JVP, sometimes referred to as jugular venous pulse) is the indirectly observed pressure over the… …   Wikipedia

  • Round-trip gain — refers to the laser physics, and laser cavitys (or laser resonators).It is gain, integrated along a ray, which makes a round trip in the cavity.At the continuous wave operation, the round trip gain gain exactly compensate both, the output… …   Wikipedia

  • Islamic arts — Visual, literary, and performing arts of the populations that adopted Islam from the 7th century. Islamic visual arts are decorative, colourful, and, in religious art, nonrepresentational; the characteristic Islamic decoration is the arabesque.… …   Universalium

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