- caution sign
- предупредительный знак, знак опасности
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
caution — [n1] alertness, carefulness attention, canniness, care, circumspection, deliberation, discreetness, discretion, Fabian policy, foresight, forethought, heed, heedfulness, providence, prudence, vigilance, watchfulness; concept 410 Ant. heedlessness … New thesaurus
Caution tape — surrounding an area hazardous to visitors. Caution tape (also known as warning tape or police tape) is resilient plastic tape of a signal color or highly contrasting color combination (such as yellow black or red white). Usage It is wrapped and… … Wikipedia
sign — [n1] indication, evidence assurance, augury, auspice, badge, beacon, bell, caution, clue, divination, flag, flash, foreboding, foreknowledge, foreshadowing, foretoken, forewarning, gesture, giveaway, handwriting on wall*, harbinger, herald, high… … New thesaurus
caution — [kô′shən] n. [ME caucioun < L cautio < cautus, pp. of cavere, to be on one s guard: see HEAR] 1. a warning; admonition 2. a word, sign, etc. by which warning is given 3. the act or practice of being cautious; wariness ☆ 4. [Old Informal] a… … English World dictionary
sign — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. omen, portent; indication, symptom, token, mark; symbol, emblem; gesture, signal; trace, vestige; signboard, shingle; guidepost. See indication, direction. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A signal] Syn.… … English dictionary for students
sign — 1 /saIn/ noun 1 STH THAT PROVES STH (C) an event, fact etc that shows that something is happening or that something is true; indication: sign of: The tests can detect early signs of disease. | sign that: Exports have risen by 20%, a sign that the … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
sign — Synonyms and related words: OK, Roman candle, abandon, abnormality, accent, accent mark, accept, accredit, acute disease, adumbration, advertisement, affection, affirm, affliction, agent, agree on terms, aid to navigation, ailment, alarm,… … Moby Thesaurus
caution — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Wariness Nouns 1. caution, cautiousness, discretion, prudence, heed, circumspection, calculation; coolness, deliberation, forethought, foresight; vigilance, care; warning. 2. (cautious attitude) coolness … English dictionary for students
Warning sign — redirects here. For other uses, see Warning Sign (disambiguation). For a sign on a vehicle or building relating to it or its contents, see placard. A traffic warning sign is a type of traffic sign that indicates a hazard ahead on the road that… … Wikipedia
high sign — Synonyms and related words: Roman candle, SOS, aid to navigation, alarm, amber light, balefire, beacon, beacon fire, bell, bell buoy, blinker, blue peter, buoy, caution light, danger sign, early symptom, falling barometer, flare, fog bell, fog… … Moby Thesaurus
Hazard symbol — The skull and crossbones, a common symbol for poison and other sources of lethal danger. Danger of death redirects here. For other uses, see Near death (disambiguation). Hazard symbols are recognizable symbols designed to warn about hazardous… … Wikipedia