orienting screw

orienting screw
наводной винт

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "orienting screw" в других словарях:

  • Rubik's Cube — Other names Magic Cube …   Wikipedia

  • Rhinoplasty — For the album by Primus, see Rhinoplasty (album). Rhinoplasty Intervention Rhinoplasty: The lower lateral cartilage (greater alar cartilage) exposed for plastic modification via the left nostril …   Wikipedia

  • liquid crystal — a liquid having certain crystalline characteristics, esp. different optical properties in different directions when exposed to an electric field. [1890 95] * * * Substance that flows like a liquid but maintains some of the ordered structure… …   Universalium

  • Types of gestures — Gestures are a form of body language or non verbal communication.Although some gestures, such as the ubiquitous act of pointing, differ little from one place to another, most gestures do not have invariable or universal meanings, having specific… …   Wikipedia

  • ship — shipless, adj. shiplessly, adv. /ship/, n., v., shipped, shipping. n. 1. a vessel, esp. a large oceangoing one propelled by sails or engines. 2. Naut. a. a sailing vessel square rigged on all of three or more masts, having jibs, staysails, and a… …   Universalium

  • Egypt, ancient — Introduction  civilization in northeastern Africa dating from the 3rd millennium BC. Its many achievements, preserved in its art and monuments, hold a fascination that continues to grow as archaeological finds expose its secrets. This article… …   Universalium

  • Laser cutting — process on a sheet of steel. CAD (top) and stainless steel laser cut part (bottom) Laser cutting is a technology that uses a laser to cut materials, an …   Wikipedia

  • Conveyor system — Conveyor redirects here. For other uses, see Conveyor (disambiguation). This article is about conveyor systems. For information on conveyor belts, see conveyor belts. For information on overhead conveyors, see overhead conveyors. An overhead… …   Wikipedia

  • Plato: ethics and politics — A.W.Price I Plato followed his teacher Socrates into ethics by way of a question that remained central in Greek thought: what is the relation between the virtues or excellences (aretai) of character, and happiness (eudaimonia)?1 Both concepts… …   History of philosophy

  • ГОСТ 16299-78: Упаковывание. Термины и определения — Терминология ГОСТ 16299 78: Упаковывание. Термины и определения оригинал документа: 28. Вакуумное укупоривание D. Vakuumverschliessen E. Vacuum closing F. Bouchage sous vide Герметичное укупоривание с созданием давления в таре ниже атмосферного… …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

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