- optimal choice
- оптимальный выбор
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Choice Modelling — attempts to model the decision process of an individual or segment in a particular context. Choice modelling may also be used to estimate non market environmental benefits and costs [Jeff Bennet University of Queensland… … Wikipedia
Optimal control — theory, an extension of the calculus of variations, is a mathematical optimization method for deriving control policies. The method is largely due to the work of Lev Pontryagin and his collaborators in the Soviet Union[1] and Richard Bellman in… … Wikipedia
Optimal matching — is a sequence analysis method used in social science, to assess the dissimilarity of ordered arrays of tokens that usually represent a time ordered sequence of socio economic states two individuals have experienced. Once such distances have been… … Wikipedia
Choice modelling — attempts to model the decision process of an individual or segment in a particular context. Choice modelling may also be used to estimate non market environmental benefits and costs[1]. Well specified choice models are sometimes able to predict… … Wikipedia
optimal — [adj] optimum 24 carat*, A1*, ace, best, capital, choice, choicest, excellent, flawless, gilt edge*, greatest, highest, ideal, matchless, maximum, most advantageous, most favorable, peak, peerless, perfect, select, solid gold*, superlative, top,… … New thesaurus
Choice — For other uses, see Choice (disambiguation). Choice consists of the mental process of judging the merits of multiple options and selecting one of them. While a choice can be made between imagined options ( what would I do if ...? ), often a… … Wikipedia
Optimal design — This article is about the topic in the design of experiments. For the topic in optimal control theory, see shape optimization. Gustav Elfving developed the optimal design of experiments, and so minimized surveyors need for theodolite measurements … Wikipedia
Choice function — A choice function (selector, selection) is a mathematical function f that is defined on some collection X of nonempty sets and assigns to each set S in that collection some element f(S) of S. In other words, f is a choice function for X if and… … Wikipedia
choice — Synonyms and related words: Attic, acceptance, adjudgment, adjudication, aesthetic, alternative, animus, appetence, appetency, appetite, appraisal, appropriate, arbitrament, arbitration, artistic, best, champion, chaste, choosing, chosen, classic … Moby Thesaurus
optimal — Synonyms and related words: best, champion, choice, elect, elite, for the best, greatest, handpicked, matchless, optimum, paramount, peerless, picked, prime, prize, quintessential, select, supreme, surpassing, unmatchable, unmatched, unparalleled … Moby Thesaurus
Mate Choice — is the process in which one organism chooses another one to mate with. The overall reason for mate choice in any species is to pick a mate that can provide better genetic material that will produce more fit offspring that are more likely to… … Wikipedia