one-way movement

one-way movement
движение в одном направлении; одностороннее движение

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "one-way movement" в других словарях:

  • One Way Records — was a record label established by Larry Norman in 1970 to distribute his own work, and that of other Christian musicians including Randy Stonehill, after he had been released by Capitol Records in 1969. Contents 1 History 2 Releases 2.1 …   Wikipedia

  • One-way traffic — One way street in New York City. One way traffic (or uni directional traffic) is traffic that moves in a single direction. A one way street is a street either facilitating only one way traffic, or designed to direct vehicles to move in one… …   Wikipedia

  • One Way Ticket Home — Song by Phil Ochs from the album Greatest Hits Published 1970 Released 1970 Genre Rock Len …   Wikipedia

  • one-way — adj. 1. Legally permitting movement or travel in one direction only; of paths, especially roads; as, one way streets. [WordNet 1.5] 2. (Transportation) Pertaining to or valid for transportation in one direction between two points; as, a one way… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • one-way — one′ way′ adj. 1) moving or allowing movement in one direction only: one way traffic; a one way street[/ex] 2) cvb valid for travel in one direction only: a one way ticket[/ex] 3) operating, developing, etc., in one direction only: a one way… …   From formal English to slang

  • one-way — [wun′wā′] adj. 1. moving, or providing for movement, in one direction only [a one way street, a one way ticket] 2. without any reciprocal action or obligation [a one way contract] …   English World dictionary

  • One Way Out (TV series) — One Way Out is an American reality television series that was produced by NorthSouth Productions for the Discovery Channel. The program stars escape artist Jonathan Goodwin, who performs difficult escape stunts. A pilot episode aired on April 14 …   Wikipedia

  • one-way — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ moving or allowing movement in one direction only …   English terms dictionary

  • one-way — /wun way /, adj. 1. moving, or allowing movement in one direction only: a one way street. 2. valid for travel in one direction only: a one way ticket. Cf. round trip. 3. without a reciprocal feeling, responsibility, relationship, etc.: It s a one …   Universalium

  • one-way — adjective (usually before noun) 1 moving or allowing movement in only one direction: one way traffic | a one way street 2 especially AmE a one way ticket is for travelling from one place to another but not back again; single 2 (4) BrE opposite… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • one-way — adjective Date: 1824 1. that moves in or allows movement in only one direction < a one way street > 2. one sided, unilateral < a one way conversation > 3. that functions in only one of two or more ways …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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