- oil-fuel
- жидкое топливо, нефть, мазут
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Oil Fuel Hulk C77 — HMS Warrior HMS Warrior Amarré à Portsmouth Noms : Vernon III Oil Fuel Hul … Wikipédia en Français
GOST 17356-89. Gas and oil fuel burners. Terms and definitions — Автоматика горелки Воздух для горения, вторичный Воздух для горения, первичный Воздух, третичный … Словарь ГОСТированной лексики
fuel — [ fjul ] n. m. • 1944; fuel oil 1921; mot angl. « huile combustible » ♦ Anglic. Mazout. ⇒ fioul. ● fuel ou fuel oil nom masculin (anglais fuel, combustible, et oil, huile) Combustible liquide, brun foncé ou noir, plus ou moins visqueux, provenant … Encyclopédie Universelle
fuel-oil — ● fuel ou fuel oil nom masculin (anglais fuel, combustible, et oil, huile) Combustible liquide, brun foncé ou noir, plus ou moins visqueux, provenant du pétrole. (; on écrit aussi fioul.) ● fuel ou fuel oil (difficultés) nom masculin (anglais… … Encyclopédie Universelle
fuel oil — ⇒FUEL, FUEL( )OIL, (FUEL OIL, FUEL OIL) subst. masc. ,,Résidu de la distillation du pétrole, employé seul ou en mélange avec d autres huiles pour le chauffage domestique et la chauffe des foyers (Comité d étude des Termes techniques français… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Fuel oil — An oil tanker taking on bunker fuel. Fuel oil is a fraction obtained from petroleum distillation, either as a distillate or a residue. Broadly speaking, fuel oil is any liquid petroleum product that is burned in a furnace or boiler for the… … Wikipedia
Oil — For other uses, see Oil (disambiguation). An oil is any substance that is liquid at ambient temperatures and does not mix with water but may mix with other oils and organic solvents. This general definition includes vegetable oils, volatile… … Wikipedia
oil — Synonyms and related words: Barbados tar, Haliver Oil, Macassar oil, absinthe, adipose tissue, adulation, aid, alcohol, animal oils, anoint, anthracene oil, aquarelle, asphalt base oil, avocado oil, balm, balsam, bay oil, beechnut oil, beef… … Moby Thesaurus
fuel — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Combustible material Nouns 1. fuel, firing, combustible; inflammable, burnable; ignite; fossil fuel; solar, nuclear, etc. energy. See heat, power. 2. peat, turf; [bituminous, soft, anthracite, hard,… … English dictionary for students
fuel oil — an oil used for fuel, esp. one used as a substitute for coal, as crude petroleum. * * * ▪ petroleum product also called furnace oil fuel consisting mainly of residues from crude oil distillation. It is used primarily for steam boilers in… … Universalium
fuel — I UK [ˈfjuːəl] / US [ˈfjuəl] noun Word forms fuel : singular fuel plural fuels *** 1) [countable/uncountable] a substance such as oil, gas, coal, or wood that produces heat or power when it is burned. Coal and wood are sometimes called solid fuel … English dictionary