- oblique cut
- косой замок; косой прорез; косой срез
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Oblique cord — Left elbow joint, showing anterior and ulnar collateral ligaments. (Oblique cord visible as diagonal white line near center bottom.) … Wikipedia
Oblique projection — This article discusses imaging of three dimensional objects. For an abstract mathematical discussion, see Projection (linear algebra) … Wikipedia
cut — I. verb (cut; cutting) Etymology: Middle English cutten Date: 13th century transitive verb 1. a. to penetrate with or as if with an edged instrument b. to hurt the feelings of c. to strike sharply with a cutting effect d … New Collegiate Dictionary
Oblique angle — Angle An gle ([a^][ng] g l), n. [F. angle, L. angulus angle, corner; akin to uncus hook, Gr. agky los bent, crooked, angular, a gkos a bend or hollow, AS. angel hook, fish hook, G. angel, and F. anchor.] 1. The inclosed space near the point where … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
oblique section — a representation of an object as it would appear if cut by a plane that is other than parallel or perpendicular to its longest axis. * * * … Universalium
oblique — Hiō, lala, ākepakepa, pala ewa, kū ewa, a e, hīhe e. ♦ Cut obliquely, kepa, ho okepa, pāhi a. ♦ To strike obliquely, as wind or wave, pā lala … English-Hawaiian dictionary
oblique section — noun : a section in a mechanical drawing that is neither a cross section nor a longitudinal section * * * a representation of an object as it would appear if cut by a plane that is other than parallel or perpendicular to its longest axis … Useful english dictionary
Side cut — Side Side, a. 1. Of or pertaining to a side, or the sides; being on the side, or toward the side; lateral. [1913 Webster] One mighty squadron with a side wind sped. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence, indirect; oblique; collateral; incidental; as, a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
calligraphy — calligrapher, calligraphist, n. calligraphic /kal i graf ik/, calligraphical, adj. calligraphically, adv. /keuh lig reuh fee/, n. 1. fancy penmanship, esp. highly decorative handwriting, as with a great many flourishes: She appreciated the… … Universalium
Мышцы груди и живота — … Атлас анатомии человека
loxotic — a. oblique; distorted. ♦ loxotomy, n. oblique cut in amputation … Dictionary of difficult words