- objective function
- целевая функция
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
objective function — In linear programming, a statement that gives the aim of a decision in the form of an equation. For example, the objective function may be either to maximize the contribution or to minimize the costs, based on a relationship between the factors… … Accounting dictionary
objective function — tikslo funkcija statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. objective function vok. Zielfunktion, f rus. функция цели, f; целевая функция, f pranc. fonction de cible, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
objective function — noun A function to be maximized or minimized in optimization theory … Wiktionary
objective function — quantitative expression of a goal … English contemporary dictionary
objective function — … Useful english dictionary
Objective-C — Paradigm(s) reflective, object oriented Appeared in 1983 Designed by Tom Love Brad Cox Developer Apple Inc. Typing discipline … Wikipedia
Objective Caml — Apparu en 1987 (CAML), 1996 (OCaml) Développeur INRIA Dernière version stable 3.11.1 (le 12 … Wikipédia en Français
Objective-C — Класс языка: объектно ориентированный, мультипарадигмальный: рефлексивно ориентированный Появился в: 1986 Автор(ы): Бред Кокс Типизация данных: нестрогая, статическая / динамическая … Википедия
Objective-C — Información general Paradigma orientado a objetos Apareció en 1980 Diseñado por Brad Cox Tipo de dato … Wikipedia Español
function — n 1 Function, office, duty, province are comparable when they mean the act, acts, activities, or operations expected of a person or thing by virtue of his or its nature, structure, status, or position. Function is the most comprehensive of these… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
function — [n1] capacity, job action, activity, affair, behavior, business, charge, concern, duty, employment, exercise, faculty, goal, mark, mission, object, objective, occupation, office, operation, part, post, power, province, purpose, raison d’être*,… … New thesaurus