
сырцовый кирпич

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "mudbrick" в других словарях:

  • Mudbrick — New unlaid mudbricks in the Jordan River West Bank (2011) …   Wikipedia

  • Mudbrick —    The basic material used for construction in ancient Egypt. Nile clay mixed with sand and straw was poured into molds and dried to form bricks used in the building of most domestic buildings and palaces. Straw was used in the bricks found at… …   Ancient Egypt

  • Mudbrick stamp — The mudbrick stamp, or brick seal of Mesopotamia are impression or stamp seals made upon bricks or mudbrick. The inscribed seal is in mirror reverse on the mold , mostly with cuneiform inscriptions, and the foundation mudbricks are often part of… …   Wikipedia

  • mudbrick — noun A brick made from mud or clay mixed with straw and dried in the sun rather than being fired …   Wiktionary

  • mudbrick — /mʌdˈbrɪk/ (say mud brik) noun Also, mud brick. 1. a brick made from a slurry of mud mixed with clay, sand, and straw or similar binding material, shaped in a mould and dried in the sun. –adjective 2. of, relating to, or built using such bricks …  

  • Nineveh — Coordinates: 36°21′34″N 43°09′10″E / 36.35944°N 43.15278°E / 36.35944; 43.15278 For other uses, see Nine …   Wikipedia

  • Heuneburg — The Heuneburg is a prehistoric hillfort by the upper Danube. It is located in Hundersingen near Herbertingen, between Ulm and Sigmaringen, Baden Württemberg, Germany. It is considered one of the most important early Celtic centres in Central… …   Wikipedia

  • Banka Banka Station — is a location in the Northern Territory of Australia, 100 kilometers north of Tennant Creek along the Stuart Highway. The historic cattle station was the first operational pastoral lease in this region, and a supply camp during World War II,… …   Wikipedia

  • Greek temple — Greek temples (Ancient Greek: polytonic|ὁ ναός , gr. ho naós dwelling , semantically distinct from Latin la. templum temple ) were structures built to house the cult statues within Greek sanctuaries. The temples themselves did usually not… …   Wikipedia

  • Inventions in the modern Islamic world — [ Abdus Salam, the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics recipient, include the electroweak interaction, electroweak symmetry breaking, magnetic photon, neutral current, preon, W and Z bosons, supergeometry, supermanifold, superspace and superfield.] This… …   Wikipedia

  • Eridu — (URUNUN.KI cuneiform| #x12263;cuneiform| #x121A0;; Sumerian:eridug; Akkadian: ? ), from the Sumerian for mighty place , is modern Tell Abu Shahrain, Iraq. Eridu was the earliest city in southern Mesopotamia, founded c 5400 BCE. Located Seven… …   Wikipedia

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