mouth of pipe

mouth of pipe
отверстие трубопровода; входной конец трубы

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "mouth of pipe" в других словарях:

  • Mouth pipe — Mouth Mouth (mouth), n.; pl. {Mouths} (mou[th]z). [OE. mouth, mu[thorn], AS. m[=u][eth]; akin to D. mond, OS. m[=u][eth], G. mund, Icel. mu[eth]r, munnr, Sw. mun, Dan. mund, Goth. mun[thorn]s, and possibly L. mentum chin; or cf. D. muil mouth,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mouth — (mouth), n.; pl. {Mouths} (mou[th]z). [OE. mouth, mu[thorn], AS. m[=u][eth]; akin to D. mond, OS. m[=u][eth], G. mund, Icel. mu[eth]r, munnr, Sw. mun, Dan. mund, Goth. mun[thorn]s, and possibly L. mentum chin; or cf. D. muil mouth, muzzle, G.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mouth friend — Mouth Mouth (mouth), n.; pl. {Mouths} (mou[th]z). [OE. mouth, mu[thorn], AS. m[=u][eth]; akin to D. mond, OS. m[=u][eth], G. mund, Icel. mu[eth]r, munnr, Sw. mun, Dan. mund, Goth. mun[thorn]s, and possibly L. mentum chin; or cf. D. muil mouth,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mouth glass — Mouth Mouth (mouth), n.; pl. {Mouths} (mou[th]z). [OE. mouth, mu[thorn], AS. m[=u][eth]; akin to D. mond, OS. m[=u][eth], G. mund, Icel. mu[eth]r, munnr, Sw. mun, Dan. mund, Goth. mun[thorn]s, and possibly L. mentum chin; or cf. D. muil mouth,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mouth honor — Mouth Mouth (mouth), n.; pl. {Mouths} (mou[th]z). [OE. mouth, mu[thorn], AS. m[=u][eth]; akin to D. mond, OS. m[=u][eth], G. mund, Icel. mu[eth]r, munnr, Sw. mun, Dan. mund, Goth. mun[thorn]s, and possibly L. mentum chin; or cf. D. muil mouth,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mouth organ — Mouth Mouth (mouth), n.; pl. {Mouths} (mou[th]z). [OE. mouth, mu[thorn], AS. m[=u][eth]; akin to D. mond, OS. m[=u][eth], G. mund, Icel. mu[eth]r, munnr, Sw. mun, Dan. mund, Goth. mun[thorn]s, and possibly L. mentum chin; or cf. D. muil mouth,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mouth|piece — «MOWTH PEES», noun. 1. the part of a musical instrument, such as a pipe, horn, or the like, or of a telephone or a tobacco pipe, that is placed in or against a person s mouth. 2. a) the part of a bit or harness of a horse that is held in the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Mouth Music (band) — Mouth Music Origin Edinburgh, Scotland Genres Celtic fusion, folk, worldbeat, world music, pop Years active 1988–1997 2001–present Labels …   Wikipedia

  • mouth — [mouth; ] for v. [ mouth] n. pl. mouths [mouthz] [ME < OE muth, akin to Ger mund < IE base * menth , to chew > Gr masasthai, L mandere, to chew] 1. the opening through which an animal takes in food; specif., the cavity, or the entire… …   English World dictionary

  • pipe — ► NOUN 1) a tube used to convey water, gas, oil, etc. 2) a device for smoking tobacco, consisting of a narrow tube that opens into a small bowl in which the tobacco is burned, the smoke being drawn through the tube to the mouth. 3) a wind… …   English terms dictionary

  • Mouth trumpet — is a vocal technique that imitates the sound of the trumpet. The mouth trumpet sound is produced by using the vocal cords to produce the desired pitch and passing the sound through the lips that are held together with just enough tension so that… …   Wikipedia

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